Is The Tide Turning?

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Are people waking up?  According to Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology, just 5.5% of Americans aged 18 to 24 have received the bivalent COVID Clot Shot booster.  About two-thirds of this group got the original Clot Shot.

Is this a sign that people are catching on to the COVID Hoax?  Yes, some of this could be accounted for by people saying, hey, COVID isn’t that bad, at least not in my demographic. Nevertheless, word about the connection of increased sudden deaths and other effects from the injections is filtering out to the general population.

The result of this will be a public more eager for more information and open to other views regarding the “safety and effectiveness” of these experimental medications. And experimental they were.

The hunger for information and accountability will increase.  Will it become a snowball rolling downhill?

This will likely spread to other areas as the mantra that the government is good and benevolent dissolves. People are catching on—to the COVID Hoax, to election hoaxes, to many of the elaborate hoaxes foisted on us for many years.

Remember, they did this COVID thing for the money.  Dr. Fauci better have a very good lawyer when people come knocking for him to explain his role in all of this.

COVID meant a flood of money to Big Pharma and a massive array of emergency powers to some of the most corrupt people in society. Will they ever give it up?  Biden just extended the COVID emergency powers to April 2023.