Nord Stream Destruction Insights

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Why does this story come out? Why did the sources work with Hersh and give him all that nice interesting “color”?

No one is shocked by the “revelation” that US was behind the sabotage. The new part is that Norway played a very active role, and Hersh also mentions in his article, that Denmark and Sweden must have been informed to some extent, at some level.

The American machine of course has redacted all things Nordstream from public discourse in Europe, but I think that at government level, and inside NATO some powers are critical of this bombing raid against Russia, which goes against all interests of the Europeans. A way to defuse this criticism is to plant the fact or “fact”, that other countries were secretly involved or in on it, maybe all BALTOPS-participants. Then it gets more complicated to critizise, and safer to shut up.

What this story tells me is: There are tectonic plates in NATO, and they are starting to gnash against each other. Some Europeans think America has gone too far.

We don’t really learn anything new about who perpetrated the attacks, we just get the details. No one with a functioning brain ever bought the idea that Russia sabotaged its own pipelines.

This war is the NWO’s perfect storm. It weakens both the U.S. and Russia (basically the last two strong holdouts) and further diminishes Europe. What could be better? Ukraine is just a meaningless pawn, sadly. All it took to implement was a willing and/or gullible U.S. administration. The setup started almost a decade ago.

Charles Tate notes:

If we assume that the nation of Russia reflects the criminal attributes of individuals or its past, even then Russia is still a nation and it has recognizable rational national interests. The stinginess, swindling, and exploitation by Europe and the U.S. after the dissolution of the Bolshevik empire did little to civilize the emerging Russian state. 

A primary interest of Russia, like all nations, is security. They want secure borders (unlike our criminals) and they want to regulate their people and transmit a functioning culture (again, unlike our leaders). They face an unprovoked attacks on all these fronts by the international criminals represented by NATO, the EU, the WEF. Like Libya, Russia does things differently and is not subordinate to the WEF style financial schemes. Putin evidently intends to make Russia strong enough to resist the poisons we are currently perishing from. The migrants, the persecution of religion and family life, the antipathy towards language, borders, and culture. The sexual deviancy, the drugs, the oppression. In other words, like Trump, Putin is a nationalist and a patriot. 

The West, now a criminal enterprise that may very well be so perverse as to design to depopulate the planet, threatens Russia relentlessly. They oppose any effort of Russia to integrate its commercial interests into Europe. It seeks to starve Russia while insulting its honor. I agree that the Bolsheviks had no honor, but Russians do. I don’t know many Russians but I expect they do not wish to commit suicide for past sins. Instead they aspire to recognize the more honorable parts of the Russian history and reflect those. 

Ukraine was once German, and hence more European. The Bolsheviks were cruel to the people of the region, and the understandable Ukrainian support of the Nazi invasion resulted ultimately in a special persecution from Moscow. After the 1991 advent of a new state Ukraine, it was perhaps inevitable that the distrust of eastern Russophile culture would result in animosity and persecution. Our scumbags of course elevated these divisions, like they do everywhere (especially here, racial politics anyone?) to destabilize and dominate. Add into this the military buildup, the in-your-face killing of Russians in the Donbas, the western pathologies and corruption, the bioweapons labs, became intolerable. Now we see more in the insane destruction of the Nord Stream. 

Whatever Russia’s past, they were provoked unmercifully by the WEF satanists. I think the Russians (and Putin) accurately assess unnecessary war as an attempt to obliterate them, their culture, their language, and steal their resources. I well understand their belief that this (defensive) Ukraine action is necessary to save themselves. We may see Europe go the same way given the nihilist insanity of U.S. policy.