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Undemocratic, fascist, racist, etc. are terms that are bandied about any time the Communists Democrats do not like something that the Republicans are doing.  The terms have been applied to people who have criticized the weaponization of government agencies against the American people.  They have been used when the idea that one must be a citizen to vote is brought up.  They have even been used against people who have refused to be jabbed with an experimental therapy.

The latest foray by the Democrats in this direction concerns the expulsion for cause of two members from the Tennessee legislature.  This is a direct result of the shooting at the Covenant School in Nashville on Monday, March 27th.

Mass shootings particularly involving schools are grist for the Democrats to move forward with taking away the rights of Americans to own guns.  However, in this case, the shooter was a deranged woman who thought she was a man.  Transgenders are a protected class of people in the Democratic worldview.  This heinous act did not fit in with celebrating these people and their brave choice to come out.

So, the powers behind the curtain decided that she was a victim as well.  The White House joined the chorus and unimaginably celebrated transgenderism just a day or two after the horrific slaughter of innocent people.

With the narrative shifting, the next step was to double down on the evil of guns.  A protest was organized and descended on the legislative chamber in the state capitol building.  This was a well-organized and well-advertised protest.

Now before we get into the specifics that occurred here, let’s be reminded that every person in America has been granted the right to protest peacefully.  It is part of the foundation of our country.  The first amendment is perhaps the most sacred right we have as Americans.

That being said, it is also important to note that there are rules that govern the process of any legislative body.  These rules to everyone under all circumstances, not just when one wants them to be used as weapons.  These rules include decorum, the length of time a legislator may speak, etc.

There are rules for being part of the gallery that watches the legislative process.  If you break those rules, you are subject to whatever penalties may be imposed as a result.  Most of us saw this during the confirmation hearings for Justice Kavanaugh.  With regularity protesters who breached the rules for watching the proceedings were arrested and removed from the chamber.

In this case the chant of the protesters was “No action, no peace!”  they were attempting to bully the legislator to acting in their favor.

All of this has happened before.  However, in this case the protests were being led from the floor of the chamber by three legislators, two men and one woman.  They clearly had colluded with the organizers of the protest since they had brought a bullhorn with them to lead the protest.

The protestors in the gallery were removed, as they should have been.  You do not have the right to obstruct the proceedings, and if you do so, you should be removed.  As a legislator, you have more power than those in the gallery.  You also have more responsibility.  Karl Denninger notes:

There are procedures for objecting to legislative activity — including introducing amendments, voting against said activity, filibustering if the body allows it and stepping outside to give speeches that extend beyond the time allocated to your person by the body on the floor.  Obstructing business through acts outside of the rules of the body is not one of those legitimate means of protest as a legislator.

In this specific case the evidence is that not only did these legislators act outside of the rules, they colluded with the gallery participants.  Such interference in most states, Tennessee, included, is a criminal offense.  The legislators are generally immune from criminal prosecution in this regard due to “speech and debate” since the act occurred on the floor of the legislature but “speech and debate” only shields you from criminal liability and not from sanction by the body itself, including the possibility of expulsion for cause.

If you declare yourself “King” and exempt for said rules you must be removed as you have just stated that your rights as a legislator are superior to everyone else’s in the chamber.  You’re wrong, you’re a thug, you are an out-of-control child throwing a temper tantrum and you must be ejected.

And that is exactly what happened.  The two men who were using the bullhorn to lead the crowd were expelled by a vote of the legislature.  The woman survived by a single vote based on the fact that she just stood next to the two rabble rousers.

Of course, these people were Communists Democrats and, of course, national Democrats were horrified that an insurrection by Democrats received punishment.

President Biden:

Biden called the expulsion “undemocratic” and “a blatant disregard for our democratic values.”  Just what values was Biden referring to?  Does he think that the rules of a legislative body only apply to those who do not agree the Democrats?  Do the Democrats see themselves as kings above all others?

VP Harris portrayed the expelled legislators as “victims.”

They were not stifled and they are not silenced.  They are free to stand outside the State Capitol building and give speeches until the cows come home.  Their rights as Americans to protest peacefully have not been abrogated.

Harris and Biden are trying to turn these people into martyrs for the cause.  When they are no longer useful for the cause, they will be discarded.

Here are the names to be remembered.