The Handcuffs Are Off

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Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter keeps giving dividends to the American people.  The publishing of the Twitter files by Matt Taibbi has helped to remove the blinders that many Americans had on.  Conservatives can actually be conservatives and not be banned.  Some of the mentally deranged (that is, transgenders) have voluntarily removed themselves from the platform.  As I have said before, this can only help humanity.

This week Tucker Carlson was fired by Fox.  Before Musk, Tucker’s status on Twitter might have teetered on the brink of cancellation.  The splodey-head leftists would have had their fingers hovering over the cancel button.  Not now.  Tucker posted a video on Twitter this week that has garnered 20 million views!  According to the Twitterrati that’s a new high.  And it happened in less than 24 hours!

Twitter with Musk at the head may be more relevant than any Big Media outlet.  And contrary to Big Media, all sides are welcome to express their views.  Freeing the bird has allowed sunshine into the dark corners of our elitist government.  And that’s always a good thing.

Perhaps Tucker can start a fireside chat type of event every night at 8 PM.

How long before the DOJ comes knocking on Elon Musk’s door?