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How long before what is happening in Haiti happens here in America?  Anarchy has descended on Port-au-Prince where people are taking the law into their own hands since the government seems unable to stem the rising crime.

Andrea Widburg has written an article for American Thinker drawing the picture of out of control crime in American cities.

The most recent example comes from Chicago. There, a 17-year-old and a 14-year-old—both old enough, according to the left, to “choose” their gender and use toxic drugs and mutilating surgery to achieve that “choice”—stole a car and promptly crashed into another car. In that second car was a 34-year-old mother with her three children, aged 15, 7, and 6 months. The crash killed the baby.

In a sane world, the 17-year-old would be tried as an adult for murder (probably second-degree), while the 14-year-old would spend the next seven years in juvenile detention. However, Chicago is not a sane world; it is a leftist world. That’s why the prosecutor charged the boys with…wait for it…a misdemeanor for criminal trespassing

What!?  A misdemeanor?  A baby was killed!  Of course, the Democrats do not care about babies.  Killing them in the womb or shortly after birth is a badge of honor.

They stole a car.  How is this not grand theft auto?

This is just one small although absolutely horrendous example of the quality of life that Democrats are inflicting on the American public in our big cities.

When the system breaks down, bad things happen. And the worst thing is when a citizenry, recognizing that the government is no longer serving its function of maintaining law and order, takes the law into its own hands. That’s what happened in Haiti, where anarchy reigns:

The mob beat and burned 13 men to death with gasoline-soaked tyres on Monday after pulling them from police custody at a traffic stop, police and witnesses in the capital Port-au-Prince said.

This is what happens when people no longer have any faith in the government.  This is where we are headed in this country.  How long will it be before an incident like this occurs somewhere in one of our cities?

This is where leftists are driving ordinary Americans. If the government refuses to enforce the law and protect law-abiding citizens, the citizens will do whatever it takes to protect themselves.

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