Highlights & Lowlights

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A writers’ strike has shut down much of TV Land out in Hollywood.  Late-night talks shows were among the victims of this strike.

Many Americans are in shock that late-night TV actually had writers.  Most thought that the hosts just spewed forth talking points from any Democratic PR campaign that was placed in front of them.

Pete Buttigieg, the erstwhile head of the Department of Transportation, has identified a cost saving measure for the federal government.  This may be important in the coming weeks and months as the US edges towards its debt limit.

Much has been made of Buttigieg’s desire to have female crash dummies involved in safety tests of various transportation modes.  An unknown staffer has suggested that the solution to not having to create new crash dummies is to identify a certain portion of the crash dummy universe as female.  This would save millions of dollars.

Sounds like a winner to me.

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) urged the President to sit down with Republicans to negotiate a deal on the debt ceiling bill. “Look, when you have divided government, neither side gets 100% of what they want. You have to sit down and work out a deal somehow, that’s how our democracy works, and the President doesn’t want to do that,” said Sen. Romney to a reporter Thursday.

Two things come to mind here.  First, does Romney know any Republicans?  Second, Biden does not believe he needs to negotiate.  Why?  Because he was told he was Emperor Palpatine when he moved into the White House.  That’s why he keeps saying he will not negotiate.  Darth Vader will take care of things.

Bud Light has suffered a “staggering” sales hit following the beer brand’s controversial marketing tie-up with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney — with the latest data showing an alarming 17% drop, according to an industry research firm.

The latest sales data shows that Bud Light sales fell 17% in dollars, while volume dropped a whopping 21% in the week ended April 15.  Cases of Bud Light are seen at many venues where the product is sold while its competitors’ are selling out.

“Hold my beer” may have a different meaning in the near future.

Apparently the FDA believes that the way out of the mess that they created with the so-called vaccines for COVID is to redefine what a vaccine does or does not do.

“It is important to note that FDA’s authorization and licensure standards for vaccines do not require demonstration of the prevention of infection or transmission,” Dr. Peter Marks, a top official at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), said.

Right…So just what do the COVID “vaccines” do besides put money into the pockets of Big Pharma?