A Voice From The Grave

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Rush Limbaugh always believed in America first.  In this short clip he espouses why Trump is so popular with people.  Limbaugh understood just what the elite political scum were up to.

Before Trump can on the scene, I had gone a couple of decades at least without seeing any elite politician that I could make a connection to.  At that time there was no place in either party for people who wanted to deal with the issues of a national economic agenda.

Both Democrats and Republicans had essentially the same worldview on national economic policy.  Why?  Because they all are feeding from the same multinational corporate trough. Their political lives were beholden to corporate donations and influence.  The idea that we had a choice was an illusion.  Whoever got in, became a conduit to fulfilling the corporations’ needs not the public’s.  The K Street Lobby is not funded by the people.

The multinationals do not have an outlook that reflects the wishes of the American public.  Propaganda is the order of the day to help the corporations maximize their profits at the expense of the American public.

However, President Trump changed that dynamic by presenting an alternative national economic policy called America-First.  When Trump spoke at the World Economic Forum, he espoused the notion that every leader of every country should be thinking of their own people first.

Sundance noted:

By the time Donald Trump arrived decades of frustration exploded in an eruption of massive applause because he was articulating the central economic issue that was being ignored by the professional political class.  The America-First agenda is the restoration agenda.  From Trump’s national economic policy, the middle-class erosion stopped. Economic security, specifically U.S. employment stability and wage rates, goes hand in glove with border security and immigration controls.

MAGAnomics is the core of the great MAGA republican coalition, a working-class coalition that cuts through all other distinctions and divisions.  It is not Republican because of political affiliation.  It is “MAGA Republican” only because the Republican Party was the political vehicle selected by Donald Trump to install the policy.

Trump’s victory in 2016 was a triumph of a grassroots movement that cut across all classes of people from every economic background.  And it happened in spite of the attempts by the elite political class to stop.  Trump defeated the Republican Party first and then the Democratic Party.  Trump won despite being outspent more than 2 to 1 by the Democrats.  Trump won despite election fraud.  The entrenched political class just wasn’t ready for the public to come out for someone who would speak directly to the public’s needs and to the idea of America as an institution of liberty.

The DC professional political class and the corporate media have been wrong about Trump from the beginning.  They have lived so long inside their own reality, they could not recognize that the people no longer were buying their BS.

MAGAnomics is a national economic agenda that benefits all classes of Americans.  That fundamental principle means that there is no way to fracture the Trump supporter coalition.  The DOJ inventing crimes is seen for the BS that it is.  The political elite are still following a playbook that says that smearing Trump will drive people away from him.

Donald Trump is the leader of the MAGAnomics movement because he is the only one who is looking out for the economic interests of Americans first.  MAGA is not a slogan.  It is an objective and the people recognize that.

There are some out there that believe that our country is lost.  Let me leave you with this quote from Rush:

“It’s never time to panic folks, it’s never ever gonna be time to give up on our country. It’ll never be time to give up on the United States. It’ll never be time to give up on yourself. Trust me.”