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School board members of the Sunol Glen School Unified School District in California recently voted to allow only the state flag or the U.S. flag to be flown over school buildings.  Special interest flags would no longer be allowed to be flown on school property.

At a recent school board meeting, this set off a firestorm of protest from some parents and staff members who wanted to fly the LGBT pride flag over the school.  These people claimed that the school board was targeting the LGBT pride flag.  Skipping over any potential constitutional issues, my question to these people is “Would it be okay to fly the Nazi flag over the school?”  “How about the Antifa banner?”

School Board President Ryan Jergensen probably said it best:

“When a school starts endorsing any single particular point of view, that can be divisive.  The school should be inclusive of all. Individual views are irrelevant. I prefer to seek more for what unites us as a school.”

Jergensen has hit the nail on the head.  A flag is a sign of allegiance. Period. Flying the flag of any group or religion signifies adherence to that group or religion.  Flying the LGBT flag signifies adherence to a Progressive religion by a state school.  And a religion it is.

The idea put forth by some was that the LGBT flag showed the students who fell into this category that they are welcome there.  So, the implication of this protest is that gay kids are not welcome at the school there anymore.  Ridiculous!

If flying an LGBT flag is the only way that such students can feel welcome and safe, then the parents of these students are at fault.  After all, this is still America where all are created equal in the eyes of God.  The American flag represents this despite ongoing attempts by the Left to change that belief.

The problem with these people who are against this policy is that they are losing the ability to lord the LGBT lifestyle over everyone in a public space.  These misguided people demand that there be celebrations of this lifestyle forced on everyone.  They are losing the battle to groom our children in the schools when policies like this are implemented.

The Pride Flag should not be flown over a public school for the same reason that the Knights of Columbus or Opus Dei flags or KKK flags can’t legally be flown over the public schools. The Pride Flag is a totem, a representation of a specific faith, a non-theistic faith, but a faith nonetheless.

People who need pride flags and celebrations to sustain their beliefs are on very shaky grounds mentally.  Is this why we have a “Pride” month?  To sustain the beliefs of mentally unstable people?