Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

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In less than two minutes, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu outlined the nature of the barbarian enemy they face, but also dropped all pretending when he said, “Hamas is ISIS.”   For those who understand the nature of the Middle East, not the pretend version pushed by western media and intelligence within those three words, there is a depth of understanding.

Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, and ISIS are all factions of the same overall core violent and militant ideology.  Each of these violent factions represents a spine in the umbrella of the Muslim Brotherhood (political Islam).  It is a good thing to see Netanyahu drop the pretending and admit the core nature of the terrorist enemy they are facing.   This approach may put Arab nations like Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia in a tough domestic position, but it needs to be said out loud. 

Some may say that Isis was making sex slaves out of innocent women and girls.  Hamas is doing that.

Some may point out that ISIS was beheading “infidels.”  Hamas is doing that.

Some may want to diminish the current crisis by saying the ISIS burned people alive.  Hamas is doing that.

What we have seen since early Saturday is evil personified.  There can be no negotiation with such people.  This is a cancer that must be rooted and thrown into the fire.

This will not be easy.  Gaza is honeycombed with tunnels.  Finding and rooting out the satanic people who saw fit to execute entire families simply because they were Jewish will not be a quick process.  But it must be done.  Israel’s survival as a nation depends on it.