COVID Odds & Ends

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Regardless of whatever else will be said about the UK’s health care system, they do keep thorough statistics.  We have heard ad nauseum that the jabs are “safe and effective.”  Those who refused the jabs were trying to kill people.  I heard that one myself.  I actually had a sibling move away from me at a family gathering when she found out that I was unjabbed.  What’s the reality?

This is where the UK’s data comes in.  See the chart below.

It certainly appears from this chart that those who refused the jab are the healthiest.  And the idea that the more one is dosed, the more likely there will be health issues.

Bob Unruh over at has published information of a new study that concludes that the COVID jabs actually increased “all cause” mortality (ACM).  The study covered 17 countries with roughly 9% of the world’s population.

The study itself is loaded with technical jargon that makes for a difficult read for the average person.  What the study is claiming is that roughly 17 million deaths can be attributed to the rollout of the mRNA jabs.

The idea that ACM is higher in areas where the jabs were widely distributed is not surprising.  ACM was higher in those receiving the jabs in the trials than those who received a placebo.  But the FDA and the CDC went ahead and approved them for emergency use anyway.

…Findings include that in the countries included in the analysis, all-cause mortality increased when COVID-19 vaccines were deployed and nine of the 17 “had no detectable excess deaths following the World Health Organization’s March 11, 2020, declaration of the pandemic until the beginning of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign.”

Denis Rancourt, co-director of the Correlation Research in the Public Interest, told The Epoch Times the study suggested there was no evidence the vaccines actually saved lives at all.

The reality is that people died because they were exposed to a toxic substance.

17 million people have died from the mRNA jab and, yet, the US Government is still pushing people to get jabbed.

More data from the UK.

 mRNA-vaccinated mothers had MORE COVID-19 than the unvaccinated mothers.  The vaccines, supposedly designed to prevent infection, caused vaccinated pregnant women to have more illnesses:

We were told that “COVID vaccines do not cause Covid-19”.  That is very narrowly true: the mRNA jabs do not contain live viruses. However, the table above shows that jabs made vaccinated pregnant women more vulnerable to infection post-vaccination.

Neonatal deaths are another sad story.  The study  covers deaths of newborns up to 28 days of age.

You can see that the data suggests that neonatal deaths for vaccinated mothers are 27-32% higher than those for unvaccinated mothers.  Also the higher the dose the higher the rate of neonatal deaths.

Safe and effective?  May be effective at reducing the world’s population growth.  About as safe as Russian roulette.