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A group of quiet, deliberate nationalists has taken the Netherlands by surprise.  No one saw this coming.  It is a bigger upset than the election in Argentina.  The Party for Freedom (PVV) won 37 seats in Parliament and now stand as the largest political force in the country.  Populist Geert Wilders is now on track to be the next prime minister.

The result is sending shockwaves through Europe, where nationalist ideology in multiple countries is putting pressure on globalists who thought that the EU was their plaything.

Wilders’ election camoaign included calls for a referendum on the Netherlands leaving the European Union (think Brexit), a total halt to accepting asylum-seekers and blocking migrants at Dutch borders.

In his victory speech, Wilders said he wants to end what he called the “asylum tsunami,” referring to the migration issue that came to dominate his campaign.  “The Dutch will be No. 1 again,” Wilders said. “The people must get their nation back.”

Sound familiar?  Despite the constant harangue from leftists and the media, the people are seeing through the smokescreens around leftist ideologies.

Wilders joins Victor Orban of Hungary, Fico of Slovakia and PDJT in America in understanding the importance of secure borders and national sovereignty.

This election seems to have a direct correspondence to earlier actions by the Dutch government.  Dutch farmers staged massive demonstrations against the government unilaterally deciding to end half of the Dutch farms in order to “save the planet.”

There was an open borders policy and illegal aliens were being given housing over the country’s own citizens.  Of course, not much of this made it into the MSM.  That did not mean that the Dutch were not seething underneath.  Again, does this sound familiar?

The globalists in the EU are intent on destroying the character of individual countries in Europe. This is what they have been working on for decades. More and more people of Europe are getting a backbone and saying, no more! and go home!

The ungrateful, destructive, welfare-seeking mobs have been imported on purpose to destroy. They have succeeded to varying degrees across the continent. That makes the Globalists happy as they can move towards their dream of controlling the new world government.  Again, sound familiar?

I wish Wilders good fortune and hope his people can make a change there.