A Precursor?

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In recent years events in Europe, Australia and Canada have served as precursors to events here in America.  COVID was full of such examples as different countries took away the God-given rights of their citizens often via some kind of unilateral declaration.  This was followed by various attempts in America to do the same thing.  There are many points of reference that support this outlook.

Various state police agencies in Europe have taken action against Islamic extremists, identified as ISIS-k affiliates, to stop planned terror attacks against Christian targets, specifically well-known cathedrals, this Christmas holiday season.   The events took place in Austria and Germany, with targets identified in Vienna and Western Germany.

(Jerusalem Post) – Austrian, German, and Spanish police were on high alert at cathedrals in several cities due to concerns that Islamists were planning a terrorist attack on Christmas or New Year’s Eve, with several suspects already arrested in Vienna and Germany, according to German reports.

According to the Bild, several suspects were arrested in the Ottakring district of Vienna, while another was arrested in Saarland, Germany.  The arrested suspects are Tajiks allegedly affiliated with the Islamic State in Khorasan Province, the branch of ISIS in south-central Asia, according to the report.

Vienna Police noted in a press release that there is an “increased terror alert level” and “generally an increased risk in Austria during the Christmas holidays.”

“Since terrorist actors across Europe are calling for attacks on Christian events – especially around [Christmas Eve,] December 24 – the security authorities have increased the corresponding protective measures in public spaces in Vienna and the federal states,” Vienna Police said, adding that there would be increased patrols and surveillance during the holidays, with attention focused primarily on churches, religious events, and Christmas markets. (read more)

Let’s understand what is going on over there and how it will translate to potential actions over here in America.

There is a cultural crisis going on within the EU and the more “woke” the political leadership, the greater the threat to the domestic tranquility.  The source of the problem is the tens of millions of Muslim-oriented migrants that have streamed into various EU nations.  Some EU nations have taken steps to reduce or eliminate such migration.  However, many others have done little or nothing to see to it that such migrants do not become a significant threat to the domestic stability of such countries.

Now, do not misunderstand me.  Not all Muslim migrants are extremists.  However, a significant percentage of them reject any concept of assimilation.  There are “no-go” zones in many urban centers in Europe where even the police are reluctant to venture.  “From the river to the sea” does not just apply to Gaza.  Now the percentage might be a minority, say 25% to 30%.  However, when you apply that to a very large denominator, the issue becomes significant.  Remember that most Muslims do not accept the idea of religious freedom.  You either convert or you are a second-class citizen in their eyes.

In many parts of Europe, Christian cathedrals and lesser places of worship are essentially guarded fortresses.  The doors of the churches are locked, the grounds are secured and church is only available at scheduled times.  This is the sad state of affairs in many western European nations.

Sundance notes:

Again, to emphasize, the scale of the issue is directly proportionate to the ideology of the political structures that sit atop the society.  The more “progressive” or multicultural the emphasis of the political leadership, the stronger the security and threat around the churches.

France is the worst, and fear has become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany and the rest of the Western EU all experience this fear/threat/security situation in varying degrees.

Additionally, and this is where it gets really interesting, the further North and East toward Russia you travel, the lesser the threat dynamic seems to show.  Belarus, Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Estonia, and some of the Baltic states do not have as severe a Christian security problem.

The Russian situation is incredible.  In the former Soviet Union, cathedrals and massive places of Christian orthodox worship were essentially turned into warehouses and devalued.  Thankfully, these beautiful buildings and architectural masterpieces were not destroyed.

In the past 20+ years something amazing has happened, and the people in almost every Russian region talk about what is happening with incredible optimism and fondness.  You will not hear this in Big Media in this country.  Russia is considered the big, bad boogeyman.  The Russian people are denigrated at every turn.

 The situation in Ukraine (a war started by the CIA going all the way back to Obama in 2014, Minsk agreement) is used to pummel the image of Russia daily.  However, more of the world community is coming to recognize the imperialistic tendencies of the people heading up our government.

In Russia all of the old monuments and cathedrals are now considered as national cultural prizes.  The restoration and preservation are simply stunning, drop your jaw on the ground stunning and overwhelming.   The beauty and Christian grandeur are bigger, brighter and feels more alive, cherished and respected than any place in Western Europe.

This perspective, this acceptance of Christianity as a moral center is remarkable.  It is reflected in values that are represented in the people.  Socially the valuation system in Russia is nothing like what you might have been led to believe.  The value of the family structure is the apex of expressed social, public and governing policy.  Family values are celebrated, men are men, women are women and children are children, nurtured and protected.  The open embracing of Christianity and its values are the reasons that the “rulers” of the West hate Russia.

Compare these Christian values to the devaluing of human life, of moral virtues and certitudes in many western countries including the United States.

In the West, there’s a giant powder keg waiting to blow. We don’t get to hear about how thousands of Greeks hit the streets to protest a national prohibition against smoking in public or how the French or Germans react against “renewable” energy politics, “identity” and other games. But it’s there and is connected to almost any conversation about Muslim immigrants these days.

Big Media’s job is to create a silo around us and not let such info through.  How many have heard about the defacing of the Nativity scene in Boston Common?  With terrorist themed graffiti.  Who was responsible?

The Muslim invasion is not an accident. It is planned, orchestrated, and happening here.  Go to Dearborn, Michigan for a taste of the future.  It has been facilitated by our government. How many military-age middle Eastern males have crossed the southern border and have been seeded throughout the country?  How many have been added to our military?

The solution is manageable. Our advantage is that these people are insistent on identifying themselves as the enemy. I have no disagreement there.  It is time for the Eisenhower solution.  Deport all illegal aliens.

How many terrorist events will America have to endure before we adopt this solution?