Dignity & Justice

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The essence of Christianity is that every person is created in the image of God.  Christianity thrives from genuine encounters among people from different backgrounds, identities, perspectives and experiences.  Christianity promotes a healthy sense of self, of respect for others and of care about the world.

How does DEI (Diversity, equity & inclusion) as implemented by CRT (Critical race theory) stack up against Christianity?

It doesn’t.  As it turns out, the current edition of DEI & CRT are opposites of Christianity.  This is part of the reason why the communists Democrats are so opposed to Christianity in the public square.  Being a true Christian is diametrically opposed to the theories of DEI and CRT.

Let’s take a look at some aspects of community to see how DEI/CRT compares to Christianity.

Does DEI/CRT promote a sense of belonging for all, regardless of background or identity as Christianity does?

Absolutely not!  In fact, the whole basis of DEI/CRT is that the color of an individual’s skin is a determining factor of how to treat someone.  The white race is evil, they are oppressors.  All minorities are considered victims of such oppression.

Does DEI/CRT affirm, through deeds and words, the dignity of all people?

Of course not.  DEI/CRT does not affirm the dignity of all.  By definition, whites are considered to be the scum of the earth.  White children are taught that they are evil because of the color of their skin.  Black children are taught they are victims of oppression for the same reason.

Instead of valuing all people, DEI/CRT tries to drive a wedge between people.  DEI/CRT pits one group against another group.  In this way they hope to exercise power over all groups.

Justice is defined as the impartial administration of merited rewards or punishments.  Does DEI/CRT work for justice?  Again, DEI/CRT falls far short.  Equity is the current buzzword. The same level of incarceration is required for all groups regardless of the level of criminal acts within each group.  In the criminal sphere, protected groups are set free after committing egregious acts of violence.  Current groups who are being marginalized are locked up for years for minor offenses like trespassing.  DEI/CRT is behind this equity.

Under DEI/CRT people are promoted based on the color of their skin rather than the merits of the situation.  People are placed in jobs based on the same faulty approach.  There is no justice under DEI/CRT.

Perhaps the most egregious failings of DEI/CRT with regards to justice and dignity occur in the treatment of people with differing viewpoints.  If you dare to express an opinion that is contrary to the DEI/CRT worldview, the cancel worker bees will swarm you to make your life miserable and to see if they can get you fired from your job.  You will be shunned.

Look at what happened within families when some stood up against the COVID jab mandates.  Children cut themselves off from their parents.  Grandparents were coerced into getting the mRNA poison injected into their bodies in order to see their grandchildren.  People were accused on trying to kill other people simply because they were not wearing a mask.  There was no willingness to engage in thoughtful dialogue about the different perspectives that people had.

DEI/CRT is the opposite of Christianity.  This is why the Left tries to suppress Christianity.  True Christianity brings people together while DEI/CRT drives people apart.

It is time to end all DEI/CRT programs in this country before we lose the best experiment in human governance to the totalitarians.

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