During her confirmation hearings for Director of National Intelligence (DNI), Tulsi Gabbard was grilled by some Senators about her views on Syria and Assad, the former dictator in Syria. In particular, Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ) asserted that Gabbard appeared to be supporting Russian claims that America was arming designated terror groups who were trying to oust Assad.
Gabbard’s response was on point and served to expose to a national audience the corrupt practices of our government in this area of the Middle East.
“It was shocking and a betrayal to me and every person who was killed on 9/11, their families, and my brothers and sisters in uniform, when as a member of Congress, I learned about President Obama’s dual programs that he had begun, really to overthrow the regime of Syria and being willing to, through the CIA’s Timber Sycamore program that has now been made public, of working with and arming and equipping Al Qaeda in an effort to overthrow that regime, starting yet another regime change war in the Middle East.”
Timber Sycamore was an operation to funnel weapons into Syria to arm rebel forces against Assad. The U.S. would train rebel factions across the border from Syria, in Jordan and Turkey. The program reportedly provided these rebels with rifles; mortars; rocket-propelled grenades; Tube-launched, Optically Tracked, Wire-guided (TOW) anti-tank guided missiles; night vision goggles, and pickup trucks.
The program became a cause for concern when such weapons started ending up in the black markets. Some weapons purchased by the United States even fell into the hands of the Islamic State, fueling its rise to power.
These were the people that President Obama once referred to as the “JV” and no cause for concern. At its peak ISIS controlled vast stretches of land and terrorized the population. If you were a religious minority like Christianity or different sectors of Islam, your life was forfeit if ISIS so decided. And the ending of your life was often in a most horrific manner such as being burned alive while trapped in a cage.
In at least one instance, it was found that U.S.-purchased anti-tank guided missiles ended up in the hands of the Islamic State within two months of leaving the factory. The program appears to have been ended once PDJT took office in 2017.
While Senator Kelly pushed for Gabbard to distance herself from her previous comments, Gabbard wasn’t willing to do so. “I shed no tears for the fall of the Assad regime but today we have an Islamist extremist who is now in charge of Syria as I said who danced on the streets to celebrate the 911 attack, who ruled over Idlib with an Islamist extremist governance and who has already begun to persecute and kill and arrest religious minorities like Christians in Syria,” she said.
When Kelly tried to portray Gabbard as someone who supports Russian narratives, Gabbard fired back. “Senator, every American deserves to know that people in our own government we providing support to our sworn enemy Al-Qaeda that should not be acceptable by anyone.”
Let’s be reminded that when Assad was ousted, Europe’s elites and Washington swamp dwellers like Senator Kelly rejoiced. Assad was evil, wicked, the worst person in the world. The rebels who took over were members of al-Qaida. However, supposedly they had changed.
As Monica Showalter noted:
They were now Muslim “moderates” as they told the dancing gullibles at PBS who dutifully took them at their word. Freedom would flow. They would govern as Jeffersonian democrats now. They were woke and “diversity-friendly,” too, and no, that’s not a sarcastic phrase I made up.
As Turkey President Erdogan has noted there is no such thing as a Muslim moderate. You are either Muslim or you are not.
The people now running Syria are not ignorant. They understand the nuances of international PR campaigns designed to placate concerns about their radical nature. Showalter went on:
All the favorite things of blue rule were cited. The Guardian suggested that feminism would flourish. Gays would be O.K. Veils would be optional. The ever-diminishing Christian minority, which came to about 2% of the population, from about 20% two decades ago, would be fine.
As a result, European leaders from Germany and France came to court them, and the big EU cash streams flowed, at least $300 million worth.
How has that worked out? Terrorists are terrorists. This week, reports are coming out of Syria about massacres of groups who do not align religiously or politically with the ruling regime. 1200 Christians, Druze and other minorities have been butchered in Syria in the last few days.
Of course, those who warned about this bunch of terrorists were characterized as Putin’s Puppets. One of those was Tulsi Gabbard who stated that the only thing between the erasure of Christians in Syria was Assad.
So, it turns out that Tulsi Gabbard was right and Senator Mark Kelly was actually a puppet of the Islamic terrorists that are running Syria. Of course, Kelly wasn’t the only puppet in that show.