Category Archives: Abortion

Stranded Americans and “Safe” Abortions

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The White House said on Tuesday 58,700 civilians were evacuated from Afghanistan since the operation began.

Emerald Robinson from Newsmax on Tuesday said only 4,000 Americans have been evacuated from Afghanistan.  That means there are likely over 10,000 Americans left in the country.  It also means that most of the civilians being evacuated are not American citizens.

On Tuesday night Steve Cortes told his Newsmax audience that according to the most recent numbers from the State Department only 4,407 Americans have been rescued so far.

Just how many hostages is Biden planning on leaving the Taliban?

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First Amendment Eviscerated

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I have been saying for years that Christians have been under attack around the world.  Their right to worship as Christians have been systematically denied everywhere.  Christians have become second class citizens in many countries.  One would like to think that this is not true in America.  However, events during the Obama administration and during the current one demonstrate a complete disdain for Christianity and, more importantly the right of individuals to freely exercise religion.

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Random Thoughts

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When Iranian-funded Hamas fired 4,000+ rockets — unprovoked and indiscriminately — at Israel, anti-Semitic lefties, that would be Democrats in this country, demanded that Israel respond only proportionately.  How does one respond proportionately to someone who is trying to end you?

Israel did target Hamas buildings and supply points.  Israel did not fire 4000+ rockets back.  Instead Israel seems to have chosen to punish Iran.

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Biden Leads War On Babies

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Over the many decades we have heard about various “wars.”  There was the War on Drugs, the War on Terror, the War on Bio-Terror.  It seems that every few years some politician comes up with catchy phrase to distract the public from all the corruption going on in Washington.

While the Avatar in the White House has tried to focus the public’s attention on “domestic extremists,” the Dems have seemingly been unable to come up with a catchy phrase.  And most Americans are not buying into the insanity that the most serious threat to American governance is white supremacy.  The reality is that “woke supremacy” fills that category.

That is not to say that the Dems are not conducting another “war.”  This time, however, it is not against some threat in a far-off land.  It is not against the drug cartels who move tons of drugs across a border that has become very porous since the Avatar took office.  It is not against the human traffickers who are plying their trade virtually unmolested south of the border.  This war is a war against the unborn.

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Over the years and decades, we have seen many coups take place around the world.  The most common thread that has run through most such events is the occupation of the capital city of that country by the military and the installation of various “protective” measures to protect the instigators.  These have usually included razor wire and other impediments.

Has anyone noticed Washington DC lately?  Armed troops with orders allowing deadly force patrol our nation’s capital.  Razor wire fencing surrounds the seat of government.  Their occupation of the city has now been extended to September.  Pretty soon there will be TSA-style checkpoints in different places around the city.

This is our political elite telling us they have executed a coup against the American people.

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Ending Roe v Wade

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The left will tell you with a straight face that the Constitution guarantees the right to abort children.  Of course, this is absolutely absurd.  No such right exists in the Constitution.  On January 22nd, the 48th anniversary of the 1973 Roe v Wade decision that created a right to abortion out of thin air, our pretend President maligned the Trump administration.  Biden claimed that the Trump administration had relentlessly attacked reproductive health care.  How did he do this?  By nominating justices to the Supreme Court who believe in the Constitution.

Biden portrayed PDJT as being anti-women. He and VP Harris promised that they are “committed to codifying” the Roe decision and to “appointing judges that respect foundational precedents like Roe.”

Speaker Pelosi said,

“On this anniversary, we renew our commitment to build on the legacy of Roe v. Wade so that we can protect a woman’s right to choose and defend women’s hard-won freedoms, now and always.”

How does one build on abortion?  What would the logical next step be?  Is “culling the herd” next up on Pelosi’s list?  Is Speaker Pelosi really referring to the legal right to kill children as a “hard-won freedom?”  Hmm…I wonder what she was doing before making this asinine statement.

Let’s take a look at the points China Joe made.

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Back in 1941, President Roosevelt roared that December 7, 1941 was a date that would live in infamy.  On December 7, 1941, the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.  This cemented our entry into World War II.

Yesterday, January 20, 2021 is truly a day that will live in infamy.  This is destined to be seen as one of the darkest days in our history.  Massive fraud and corruption elevated a spineless, corrupt, senile old man to be President of the United States.  On this date, for the first time, an illegitimate President was sworn into the office.  Evil has taken over the government of the United States of America.

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Worshipping At The Altar Of Power

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This is the kind of America we can look forward to with dread if the Harris-Biden ticket wins the White House.  David Daleiden exposed the horrors of Planned Parenthood’s illicit dealings in baby parts from the murder of unborn babies also known as abortions.  Because Daleiden did this, he was targeted by Kamala Harris and Planned Parenthood for prosecution for exposing the truth.

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Challenging Words

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This is the best presentation about the absolute evilness of abortion that I have ever heard.  The Rev. John Lankeit gave the following somewhat lengthy homily (20 minutes) on October 2, 2016 in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix, Arizona.  It is relevant today as it was then.

In this homily Rev. Lankeit talks about different aspects of decision-making regarding the casting of a Catholic’s vote in an election.  During this presentation he speaks of prudential decision making where good people can be on different sides of issues and how those issues might be resolved for the betterment of all.  Such issues might include racial injustice, the economy and healthcare.  On such issues Rev. Lankeit does not weigh in from the pulpit regarding which might be better.

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