Category Archives: Courage

A Retired Marine Colonel’s Letter To The NFL

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The controversy over our national anthem continues to rage.  The NFL has now decided that America is really two countries.  Therefore, we need to have two anthems played before NFL games.  This is mind-blowingly stupid.  There is one national anthem and it is the Star-Spangled Banner.

Roger Goodell, the NFL commissioner, would not allow Tim Tebow to kneel in prayer.  Goodell would not allow the Dallas Cowboys to put a tribute to slain police officers on their helmets.  He would not allow 9-11 tributes.  Now he allows players to “honor” a sex offender and career criminal.  Political expressions that serve to divide the country are now allowed.

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Be Careful What You Pray For

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Sister Dede Byrne, a nun in the Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, gave a speech at the RNC in support of human life.  By using the words in the title of this article early on, she put everyone at ease.

Sister Byrne described her route to where she is today.  This has taken her all over the world serving the call of God.

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Overcoming Adversity

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Madison Cawthorne, a candidate for the House of Representatives, spoke at the RNC.  Madison talks about the obstacles that came his way.  He discusses the almost overwhelming depression that he faced adjusting to being a paraplegic. Madison reaches out to those who may feel invisible and/or forgotten.

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The Atlantic Is Sinking

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To say that the media lies is like saying the sun comes up in the morning.  Americans were treated to another faux scandal courtesy of the media at the end of last week.  The Atlantic published a piece claiming that PDJT disparaged the intelligence of military members and, in other ways, denigrated them.  No validation of these claims is provided.  In fact, the editor of The Atlantic recently conceded that the central claim of the piece may be wrong.

It is sad to see the depths that some will go to in an attempt to win an election.  Patently false stories come out and get their 15 minutes of fame.  Nancy Pelosi would call this the wrap-up smear.  Pelosi described it on camera in 2017.

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Herschel Walker At The RNC

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Herschel Walker describes his 38-year friendship with President Donald Trump.  In his remarks Mr. Walker puts a face on the person we know as the people’s president.

Awesome speech!  This may have been the best speech of Monday night.  Honest, straightforward and on the money.  The content of his message and the its delivery could not have been more effective. ... 

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A Healthcare Worker’s Perspective

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The following is from a healthcare worker.  This person has worked in the industry for more than 25 years.  This person has admitted off the record that the practice where this person works uses hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Z-Paks and zinc supplement as the first choice of treatment for patients with COVID-19.  The practice does not advertise this treatment protocol since there is so much misinformation floating around about it.


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Are The Walls Closing In?

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By now many people who follow the ongoing saga of the Russian collusion hoax know that former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith has agreed to a plea deal.  Despite the smokescreens put up by various MSM outlets, Clinesmith knows he is caught and has decided to be first to admit his guilt.  The nature of the current charge against him strongly hints that he has much to offer the prosecutors.  How many others will be caught in this web of deceit, lies and quite possibly seditious conduct?

One person who seems especially nervous is Andrew Weissman.  Although not the titular head of the Special Counsel’s staff, it is widely known that Weissman was running the day-to-day activities of the Mueller Witch Hunt.

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One Man’s Opinion

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The following is from an acquaintance whom I will call Frank.

Let’s look at this man for a moment. He is a 74 year old man working for you and me.  That amazing man is the age of many people’s fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers.

President Trump left his massive gold covered mansion where he could have retired happily and play golf all day long. Yet this man put his wealth aside and went to work for free, for $1 a year, for you, for me, for us, and for the United States of America.  While other presidents became rich during and after their presidency, this man lost over 2 Billion dollars of his wealth during these short 4 years of his life. ... 

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