Category Archives: COVID-19

Vaccine News

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More news showing the vaccines do not work.  One of the most outspoken sellouts among our highly paid pro athletes, Lebron James, has tested positive for COVID.  LeBron, of course, is fully vaccinated.

His positive test comes just after several recent incidents of high-level, fully vaccinated pro athletes having collapsed during play.   Perhaps LeBron just needed something to deflect the public’s attention from his childish antics and temper tantrums of the last two weeks.

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It’s All Political

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It is something that more and more people are recognizing.  Everything about COVID is political.  COVID is no worse than the flu.  In fact for the young where much of the fear porn has been directed, the flu is actually more dangerous than COVID.

The elite politicians who have been leading the charge to get everyone to submit to the jab know this.  The fact that they know this is evident in their actions.  Time and again these people have been found flaunting the “rules” that they demand everyone else follow.

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Heart Issues

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When the narrative is all important, those health experts who are in the pay of the those who would control us, do not tell the truth unless such truth advances the scripted narrative.  Terms like vaccine have been redefined to fit the outcomes.  Confidence in the truthfulness and impartiality of the CDC, FDA and most Federal agencies has been destroyed as a result.

It appears that the world may be headed towards a disaster caused by those people who are in control of the levers of power.

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Another Red Flag

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There are continuing reports of people dying at higher rates than normal in many countries following mass vaccinations.  A huge study done in Sweden appears to support this finding.  Alex Berenson has teased out the data within this report.

Alexander Berenson (born January 6, 1973) is an American writer. He was an investigative reporter for The New York Times and has authored several thriller novels and a book on corporate financial filings.  Early in the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, Berenson vocally argued that people and the media were overestimating the risk of the new virus, that it posed little risk to young Americans, and that it was being used as a cover for government overreach.  All of this has turned out to be true.  As a result, Twitter has permanently banned Berenson from its platform for violations of its COVID policies for spreading the truth.

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Are COVID Vaccines Safe For Pregnant Women and Their Babies?

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One of the long standing admonitions is that the last place one gives a new drug is to a pregnant woman.  The Thalidomide disaster of half a century ago demonstrated that extra care was needed when administering drugs to pregnant women.  The results then were more than 10,000 children born with a range of severe deformities as well as thousands of miscarriages.  Roughly 40% of these children died at birth or shortly afterward.  Are these COVID drug therapies safe during pregnancy?

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Excess Mortality

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This is a topic that I have touched on a bit recently.  The issue is that excess mortality is being experienced in many locales where mass vaccination has taken place.  And that mortality seems to be concentrated in those who have been vaccinated.  By excess mortality it is meant that significant upticks in deaths over a 5 or 10 year baseline are being experienced.  This excess may be 10, 20, 30% higher and has lasted for many months.

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Naziism Returns To Europe…To Strong Resistance

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It took less than 70 years for Naziism to return to Europe.  Austria imposed a lockdown on all Jews unvaccinated people in the country.  They have now taken another step and imposed the lockdown on the entire country.  Germany, the birthplace of the Holocaust, is well on the way to joining Austria.  Hungary is also joining in this return to Naziism.

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Mandate Pause

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The vaccine mandate proposed by the con man in the White House to be implemented through OSHA emergency rules has been “paused” due to an injunction by a federal court.  I put “paused” in quotes because apparently the administration is ignoring the stay.

Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked what the administration’s response is to OSHA indicating that they were halting the implementation and enforcement of President Biden’s vaccine mandate on private companies.  Katie Pavlich reported:

“Let me be very clear, our message to businesses right now is to move forward with measures that will make their workplace safer and protect their work forces from COVID-19. That was our message after the first stay from the Sixth Circuit and nothing has changed,” Psaki said, urging private companies to move forward with mandates regardless of constitutional violations. “We are still heading toward the same timeline.

Multiple lawsuits challenging the OSHA rules have been consolidated into one federal court.  The unconstitutionality of such far-reaching rules under the guise of public safety seems to be obvious.  What may not be obvious to most people is just how invasive this attempt to control the country really is.

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What Are They Hiding?

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The FDA repeatedly promised full transparency with regard to data connected to the COVID-19 “vaccines” when they licensed Pfizer’s mRNA therapy for general use.  This was a bait and switch since the actual licensed therapy is not available for use in this country.  Only the EUA approved therapy is being used.  The licensing sleight of hand was done so that those in power could use the full force of the government to coerce people into getting jabbed and, at the same time, avoid any product liability that could arise from adverse effects of the jabs.

After the FDA “approved” the Pfizer therapy, a bunch of academics, professors and scientists from around the country requested the promised data.  The result:  Nothing.  What are they trying to hide?

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Vaccine News 

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A COVID outbreak at a Connecticut nursing home has killed 8 fully vaccinated residents and infected 89 others.

Among the 89 people infected at Geer Village Senior Community in Canaan, 87 were fully vaccinated.

The government needs to tell us again why we should be jabbed.  Hint:  It is to fill the pockets of Big Pharma.  Current estimates are $93 million profits per day.

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