Excess Mortality

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This is a topic that I have touched on a bit recently.  The issue is that excess mortality is being experienced in many locales where mass vaccination has taken place.  And that mortality seems to be concentrated in those who have been vaccinated.  By excess mortality it is meant that significant upticks in deaths over a 5 or 10 year baseline are being experienced.  This excess may be 10, 20, 30% higher and has lasted for many months.

The excess mortality being referred to is an all causes mortality. There is no attempt to isolate down to the individual components of mortality being experienced.  Alex Berenson has published data from the UK.  The graph below has been extracted from data within the UK’s mortality data.

The graph shows in picture form the number of deaths from all causes that have occurred per 100,000 people.  Data has been plotted on a weekly basis.  The blue line shows the rate for unvaccinated individuals aged 10-59.  The brown line shows the rate for individuals in the same age cohort who were considered “fully vaccinated” at the time of their death.

This is astounding.  What this is showing is that if you have been vaxxed for COVID, you are twice as likely to die as someone who has refused to be vaxxed.  Keep in mind that this is an all-causes mortality chart, COVID included.  The death rates shown are not for any single cause of death.  The data plotted is over a five-month period during which significant percentages of the population got jabbed.  It is not some transient effect that happened to target members of the public who submitted to being vaxxed at some narrow period of time.

Sudden cardiac and thrombolytic deaths in *young* people is easy to see. Heart attacks may be commonplace. However, heart attacks in young adults is bizarre. Myocarditis in teens is bizarre especially among teenage boys. Huge upticks in exotic neurological disorders that were very rare, now suddenly not so unusual.  Strokes have increased substantially among the “young.”  Is this why we are seeing ad campaigns that are trying to normalize such conditions in kids?

The VAERS data base is showing that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are the most dangerous in the history of medicine.

Is there some explanation here that is not that the vaccine has caused this effect to appear?  Is this worthy of investigating?  Absolutely!  How does this data correlate to the excess mortality being seen there?  Keep in mind that hospital emergency rooms remain crowded even though COVID has surged and subsided more than once.  Why is that?

How does this correlate with the recent request of a federal court to allow a production of records for the Pfizer “vaccine” that would stretch out such production for 55 years?  What are they trying to hide?  Is this why they are desperately trying to coerce everybody into getting jabbed?  Doing so would remove a “control” group.  It would be much more difficult to tease out effects like this.  The reason people are looking is because mortality has remained elevated for many months and is not limited to COVID.

This effect is not limited to the UK.  Look at the all-cause mortality in the US.  Staying away from the older age groups and focusing on 25-44 shows a very significant uptick in mortality.  Deaths have remained more than 20% above baseline for seven months!  Once again this is true despite COVID surges and subsidence.

When will the sainted Dr. Fauci or someone else address these obvious issues?  When will someone address the elephant in the room?  Are the “vaccines” a method of population control?

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