Category Archives: Disinformation

What is the FBI’s Involvement in the Capitol Building Break-in?

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Hundreds of people who walked through the Capitol Building on January 6th remain in custody unable to obtain bail within our legal system.  Why?  The claim is that they were involved in a conspiracy to overthrow the government and are far too dangerous to be let out on the streets while the case is being built against them.  Perhaps the better description should be while the case is being spun out of whole cloth against them.  And this would be far from the first time that such activities have occurred.

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COVID Minutia

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What follows are a couple of items on COVID that demonstrate the attempts by our “betters” to control the narrative surrounding the virus.  Both show a manipulation of various “standards” to produce a storyline that reflects the desires of “Big” people, Tech, Media, etc.

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Who Killed Ashli Babbitt?

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It is more than four months since Ashli Babbitt was killed by a Capitol police officer.  It is unconscionable that, to this date, there are NO PUBLIC RECORDS that have identified just who that officer is/was.  We have heard that the DOJ determined that the shooting was justified.  According to the media narrative, the officer was protecting Congress from a lethal threat.  But we have not heard who the officer is/was.  I say is/was because there is evidence to suggest that the officer who shot Babbitt committed suicide the next day.

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COVID Derangement Syndrome

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Morning Consult’s recent Return to Normal poll returned some eyebrow raising results: the vaccinated are considerably less comfortable doing basic human things than the unvaccinated.

To be sure, the vaccinated are already a self-selected group of risk-averse people, but this is still a ridiculous result. Why did you get the vaccine if you didn’t think it made it safe for you to go out, to go to a restaurant, to go to the movies, for heaven’s sake?

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West Virginia To Bribe People

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On Monday, West Virginia’s Governor Jim Justice offered a bribe to get people aged 16-35 to get vaccinated.  Specifically, he offered a $100 savings bond as an incentive to get jabbed.

Why?  It appears that the fact that serious side effects have been observed in a small part of the population is diminishing the fervor of people to step up and offer themselves as guinea pigs in this great socialist experiment.  Certainly, the fact that the recovery rate among this age group is 99.9996% is also a factor among those deciding to not get jabbed.

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Climate Change Is The Next Pandemic

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The effectiveness of fear about the COVID virus is diminishing.  More and more people are seeing through the hysteria that was built up around it.  More and more people are coming to understand that the virus is little different from the seasonal flu.  The fear porn was used to control large segments of the population in this country and around the world.  Basic human liberties were stripped away under the guise of protecting the public.

Dr. Tom Woods has been an invaluable source for exposing much of the nonsense about masks, lockdowns, etc.  Such mitigation measures have proved to be entirely ineffective and quite deleterious to the public at large.

Recently Dr. Woods produced a post that touched on the next great cudgel that will be used to beat the public into submission.  That is climate change.  The Avatar in the White House recently exposed the left’s plan on this with his call to “climate refugees.”

Project Veritas has done their usual excellent job in uncovering those who would attempt to dupe the public over this.  Dr. Woods helps to expose this with his post which is reproduced below.

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Valid IDs

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There is a lot of chaos going on about election laws and reform of such.  The left, who will cheat at every opportunity, opposes requiring an ID to vote.  The big multi-nationals support them in this effort to transform American elections.  A valid ID would make it somewhat harder for the left to commit fraud.  Let’s take a look at where valid IDs are required in this country.

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Insanity has come to Washington, DC.  On Wednesday Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, made the following statement after the guilty verdicts were returned in Minneapolis.

“Thank you, George Floyd, for sacrificing your life for justice.   For being there to call out to your mom, how heartbreaking was that.  And because of you … your name will always be synonymous with justice.”

This woman is fast losing her faculties.  On what planet did George Floyd sacrifice his life?  As noted yesterday, the facts of the case clearly showed that Floyd died of a drug overdose.  The toxicology report in the autopsy was unequivocal.  Floyd had a three-fold fatal level of fentanyl in his system.  Floyd ingested the drugs to avoid their discovery by the police.  George Floyd is dead because of George Floyd, no one else.

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I found an interesting post over the weekend that I am sharing below.  In my opinion, more and more Americans are seeing through the disinformation campaign that is put on by the Democrats and their media allies.  Conversations that I have regularly with people has a common theme.  That is, one cannot trust anything that the media publishes.

I will refer to the author as Sylvester.

We. Don’t. Know. Anything. 

All of us are being subjected to such a blizzard of propaganda and disinformation that you nor I can make any, real assessment of what Americans really think about much of anything. ... 

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