Category Archives: Election

Hurricane Update

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It is time to begin paying attention to Hurricane Ian.  If you live in Florida, please pay attention to press releases coming from your local officials.  This is a slow-moving system that is expected to impact Florida for a 24-hour period.

Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina and North Carolina can expect the storm to pass through as well after languishing near Florida.  It is starting to look like a wet Friday and Saturday with significant wind.

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FBI Out Of Control

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The FBI continues to demonstrate that they are the KGB, Gestapo and East German Stasi all rolled into one.  The SWAT raid on a Catholic apostolic leader and father of seven will be a step too far.  With all of the backlash that has occurred over various FBI activities this year, one would think it might be time to reassess.  Not a chance inside the bubble that the FBI lives in.

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Democratic Science Denier

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Stacy Abrams who is running again for the governor of Georgia and who has long been an election denier, has now become a science denier.  Recently Abrams made the claim that the fetal heart beat that is heard at six weeks is not real.  According to Abrams it is just a manufactured sound.

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Political Violence Strikes

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The Democrats have been harping and promoting the idea that people who believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are “domestic extremists.”  In Philadelphia recently, Joe Biden said that MAGA followers “thrive on chaos” and “don’t respect the Constitution” or the rule of law.  According to Biden, MAGA followers “fan the flames of political violence.”  The FBI has been instructed to find domestic extremism in support of this thesis by any means necessary.

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Odds & Ends

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John Kennedy is Louisiana’s gift to the country.

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Mar-a-Lago Background, Epilogue

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Thinking outside the box.  Good problem solvers often can think well outside the norms.  In the case of the Mar-a-Lago raid there appears to be a larger story going on.  One has to look at the whole gamut of what is going on to fully appreciate that.  What might seem to be one thing on the surface can turn out to be something else entirely.

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Is It Over?

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While the bobbleheads will undoubtedly try to smear the judge, US District Judge Aileen Cannon on Saturday announced the “preliminary intent to appoint a special master” to review all of the records seized by the FBI during its unprecedented and likely illegal raid on President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago.

Judge Cannon said the FBI raid on Mar-a-lago “involved political calculations” to diminish the leading voice of the Republican Party just months before the midterm election.  In other words that are less polite, the FBI was trying to throw the election to the Democrats.

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