Eloquence In The Law

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As most of America knows, the corrupt prosecution of PDJT knows no bounds.  The UniParty will do anything to prevent PDJT from getting another term in office at the White House.  By any means necessary is their motto.

One aspect of this ongoing effort is to silence PDJT during the presidential campaign.  Almost two weeks ago Jack Smith’s prosecution asked a judge to silence PDJT during the campaign.  Ostensibly this was to protect the right to a fair and impartial administration of justice.  The fact that this would interfere in the election was ignored.  The public be damned is clearly at the forefront of their efforts.

PDJT’s attorneys have presented a rebuttal motion to the unconstitutional gag order request from Jack Smith.  Sundance over at CTH notes:

Eloquence in litigation is an art form.  Court motions and pleading that blend eloquence with deliberate and diplomatic snark are masterpieces.  Thus, the exceptional nature of President Trump’s response motion to the demands of a gag order by Special Counsel Jack Smith is a master class in linguistic evisceration. 

I concur with that opinion.  Whoever wrote this rebuttal has done so in a manner which is understandable by the lay person as well.  I believe I am ready to book a room at Holiday Inn Express.

I urge everyone to read the 25-page response motion HERE.

A few highlights.

“At bottom, the Proposed Gag Order is nothing more than an obvious attempt by the Biden Administration to unlawfully silence its most prominent political opponent, who has now taken a commanding lead in the polls. Indeed, this very Motion came on the heels of adverse polling for President Biden.”

This clearly and unequivocally places the whole prosecution in the realm of banana republic tactics.

“If the prosecution does not want criticism for abusing its power, the solution is simple; stop abusing its power. The Constitution provides no other alternative.”

The entire country needs to read this over and over.  This prosecution is an abuse of power under the color of law rarely seen in this country before the events of January 6th.

“Criticism of their official conduct does not lose its constitutional protection merely because it is effective criticism and hence diminishes their official reputations.  This includes criticism of the Court and the Special Counsel.”

Is Jack Smith a snowflake who cannot withstand criticism?  Perhaps Jack Smith needs to receive some sympathy cards over his situation?

“The United States Constitution may be inconvenient for the Biden Administration, but public speech in response to unfair and widely disseminated attacks is President Trump’s right.”

This puts the whole process in plain terms for everyone to understand.  On the PDJT defense side we have the facts, and the law, and common sense. On the banana republic prosecution side we have “Orange Man Bad.” We will see which side the Marxist judge chooses.  Had she made up her mind before the gag request was unsealed?

Let’s be reminded that the injury to the administration of justice that the Special Counsel is so worried about has already been committed by the Special Counsel himself.  The only remedy available is to dismiss the Special Counsel’s charges with prejudice.

BTW where are the “legal experts” in the media that said that PDJT’s good attorneys were all jumping ship?