Category Archives: Election

Are The Truckers Winning?…Updated

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Yesterday I talked about a big rig blockade.  The border crossing between Couts, Alberta, Canada and Sweet Grass, Montana in the US has been closed for some time.  It was closed by truckers supporting the Freedom Convoy currently occupying Ottawa.  They formed a blockade and would not allow traffic to flow in either direction.

Alberta’s Premier Jason Kenney, a Conservative in name only (CINO), first disparaged and denigrated the truckers.  Then there was an uprising in the Conservative Party.  Erin O’Toole who was the leader of the Conservatives, was ousted from his position.  Why?  Because he refused to listen to the people.  O’Toole was content to powder his nose and pay homage to the elites who run the government in Canada.  He refused to acknowledge that the basic freedoms of Canadians were being eroded. ... 

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Lock The Door

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Sundance has written an exceptionally insightful post about the changing landscape on the left.  The clip below aligns with the idea that the professional politicians and other elites will try to distance themselves from the results of their labors.  Ms. Bari Weiss tried to shift the focus by saying, “It is now a pandemic of the bureaucracy.”

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Mandate! Segregate! Subjugate!

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There has been a growing debate about just how communist the Democratic Party has become.  The Democrats have created an emotional need for people to believe that they have not harmed themselves or their children by getting the jab.  Such people who have bought into this BS have great difficulty in looking objectively at what has been foisted on them.  A recent Rasmussen poll shows just how far from believing in the principles of liberty Democrats have strayed.

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OSHA Mandate Stopped

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The US Supreme Court struck down the OSHA vaccine mandate for businesses with more than 100 employees.  The vote was 6-3 with the three dissenting justices being of the woke progressive variety who believe that the government should be allowed to suppress liberty whenever it suits their needs.

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Insurrection Hoax

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And so it begins.  The Democrats have lied over and over and will continue to lie to the American public about what happened on January 6, 2021. They will call it a right-wing attack on democracy.  The lapdog media will echo this.  The Dems will falsely state that January 6th was a symptom of an even bigger problem.  That problem was an attempt to delegitimize free and fair elections.

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Wages Are Falling

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A week ago, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released the third quarter review of average weekly wages [Main Data Here].

Sundance notes:

By now, everyone knows the term “stagflation”, which means a stagnant economy and large inflation (price increases), the easiest comparison is Jimmy Carter economic program in the 1970’s.  However, let me assure you what this latest BLS release foretells is not that.  This is far more serious than stagflation.

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