Category Archives: Election

Odds & Ends

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Oregon Governor Kate Brown has cancelled the proficiency standards for reading, writing and math from high school graduation requirements in Oregon.

The governor’s office says “suspending the reading, writing and math proficiency requirements … will benefit “Oregon’s Black, Latino, Latina, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of color.”

In essence, the students of color are not smart enough to learn reading, writing or math – so they shouldn’t be expected to read, write or understand mathematics.

How racist can one person be?  This is as bad as saying that people of color are too stupid to get/keep an ID so that they can vote.

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They call being a Republican treason

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Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president. A Democrat assassinated him. Now Democrats and Fake Republicans are using Lincoln’s name to try to eliminate the Republican Party as a viable participant in America’s political process.

Lincoln’s name has long been used by both parties to enhance their chances with Americans. The Lincoln Project is part of the Democrats’ efforts to derail Republican attempts to win back Congress next year.  It is being used to smear Republicans as traitors and worse.

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Democrat to English Dictionary

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In these trying times, it is very important to be able to understand communications coming from various sources.  Without an accurate understanding of what is being communicated, one could arrive at the wrong insights into what is happening in the country.  With that in mind, Eric Utter over at American Thinker, as a public service, has provided a dictionary which translates Democratese into standard English.

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Odds & Ends, Mostly COVID

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You won’t see this in the NYTimes.  Look Ahead America’s (LAA) Executive Director Matt Braynard has announced that they have discovered at least 157,299 illegal ballots cast in the Wisconsin presidential election.

The amount of ballots that they believe to have been illegally cast is about eight times the 20,000 vote margin of victory in the election.

It’s no wonder that Twitter shut down the audit account in Wisconsin.  Can’t have the public finding out just how egregious the election fraud was. ... 

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Twitter Censors Arizona Audit

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Just how bad is America’s Audit in Arizona for the Democrats?  How much did PDJT win Arizona by?  It must be horrendous for the Dems.  Yesterday Big Tech moved to shut down the Twitter accounts of the Arizona Audit.  This is a clear attempt to try to minimize the release of information to the public.  Twitter is doing what the government is not allowed to do.

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Grassroots Resistance

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Edmund Burke once said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”  Of course, in his day women did not have an equal voice.   Today the quote should be “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men and women to do nothing.”

Evil is running rampant in our country.  It is not trying to hide.  The Democrats, who are “woke supremacists,” believe that only they should be in power.  They are the heirs to Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Mao.  They believe that power rightfully belongs to them and will cling to that power by any means necessary.  The corrupt acts that they have engaged in make Watergate look like amateur hour.  With control of Big Media and Big Tech squarely in their hands, this is a question that I hear from time to time.  How do ordinary citizens fight back?

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Who Can Decertify?

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One of the issues that is beginning to make the rounds on the election fraud issue is what happens if fraud is proven?  What steps are available to be taken and who can take them?  Is there a process for dealing with a finding that in essence invalidates an election?  In other words, where does one go from here since fraud is being exposed in multiple states?

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