Category Archives: Election

Election Audit Update

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When I use a title like “Election Audit Update” of course, I mean the one going on in Arizona.  This is not to overlook the fact that there are other audits going on.  New Hampshire is one such locale where a Democrat started the ball rolling by asking for a recount of a close race for state legislative office.  When irregularities were uncovered, this led to the audit that is now underway.

However, the Arizona audit is the one in the spotlight.  Kelli Ward once again provides the details. ... 

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Speak Out

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Franklin Raddish has written an excellent piece over at American Thinker about the need for freedom loving people to stand up and speak out about election integrity.  And, as Raddish noted, we need to do this over and over.  Otherwise, the Big Lie will win.

You can find Raddish’s piece here:

Election integrity: Never, ever stop speaking out

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Antrim County Election Lawsuit

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The lawsuits about election fraud continue across the country.  Attorney Matthew DePerno submitted the results of a forensic audit showing how votes were manipulated in the county tabulation system in Michigan.  [Supplemental Brief Here]  – [Forensic Audit Results Here].

President Trump has chimed in.

The major Michigan Election Fraud case has just filed a bombshell pleading claiming votes were intentionally switched from President Trump to Joe Biden. The number of votes is MASSIVE and determinative. This will prove true in numerous other States. All Republicans must UNIFY and not let this happen. If a thief robs a jewelry store of all of its diamonds (the 2020 Presidential Election), the diamonds must be returned. The Fake News media refuses to cover the greatest Election Fraud in the history of our Country. They have lost all credibility, but ultimately, they will have no choice!” (link) ... 

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Maricopa County Update

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America’s audit in Maricopa County is nearing the end of its second week.  This is a forensic audit of the 2020 election in Maricopa County in Arizona.  There have been many attempts led by Democratic officials to derail the audit.

An attempt earlier this week saw the highly weaponized DOJ sending a letter in an attempt to intimidate the auditors with threats relating to supposed violations of federal law in conducting such an audit.  This occurred after CNN was unable to get any traction against the audit with their coverage of the issue earlier in the week.  Remember when the Democrats said that the DOJ intervening in the vote count process was treasonous?

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A Conflict Of Visions

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The Maricopa County audit of the 2020 election vote is now one week into the actual counting.  What will be the result?  At this point there is nothing known about that. However, thinking people believe that significant fraud will be exposed.  After all, the number of people who used one particular empty lot as their mailing address was in the four-digit range.  Many other examples of fraudulent registration have been detailed.

However, the Democrat-Corporate-Media complex is undefeated in terms of being held accountable for as long as I can remember.  The media narrative is already set in place.  “The audit is a fraud and thrown together by right-wing wackos.”  Big Media will play this theme over and over to instill in the low-information portion of the public that “domestic extremism” is trying to overthrow the results of a legitimate election.  I would not be surprised to see the words “white supremacy,” “terrorism” and “racism” surface in these narratives.  It will be another “greatest threat to democracy since the Civil War event.”

The Dems have gotten away with this kind of process for a long time.  And there are people on the other side of the aisle who are just as guilty.  I have had some acquaintances ask the following question.  “Why is so difficult for some normal people to think that anyone trying to stop the audit is guilty?”  This leads us to the concept of a conflict of visions.

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Over Target

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After failing in court multiple times to get the audit of the Maricopa County election results stopped, there appears to be a change in strategy.  Big Media has not deigned to provide much coverage of this.  When they have, they have denigrated the exercise calling it a carnival or spectacle.

Now, at the end of the first week, CNN has switched gears.  They sent crews to try to get audit volunteers on camera. Why?  Did CNN suddenly decide that the story is newsworthy?  God forbid!  The likely narrative is to try to intimidate the volunteers by putting their faces on TV screens in the area. CNN’s reporting characterized those volunteering as biased and showed some bumper stickers to prove their point.  Can Antifa and BLM be far away?  Will we see them descend on the homes of some of these volunteers?  Will they send the criminals and goons after the audit workers by publishing their pictures, names, and addresses.  Can the FBI be far behind?  Will they investigate the workers as “domestic terrorists?”

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The Democrats Are Desperate

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Yesterday I talked about the ongoing audit of Maricopa County election results in Arizona from November, 2020.  One point that I made was that it appears that the Democrats are getting desperate. Perhaps, I should have called it an apocalyptic fear.

As I noted yesterday, more than 100 Democratic lawyers have descended on the county.  Supposedly they are there to protect the interests of Maricopa County voters.  What they are really trying to do is to stop the audit because they know what will be exposed, massive election fraud.  And this is scaring them out of their minds.  The exposing of such fraud would be devastating to the narrative that the Avatar in the White House received 81 million votes.

The Democrats’ desperation manifested itself on Thursday with a letter sent by three left-wing election groups asking the DOJ to intervene in the audit.  As Sundance over at CTH notes:

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Arizona Ballot Audit Continues

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The attempt to audit the ballot count in Maricopa County from the 2020 election has been under way for some time.  The Democrats have thrown everything they have to try and stop it.  More than 100 Democratic lawyers have descended on the county.  Supposedly they are there to protect the interests of Maricopa County voters.  What a joke that is.  They could care less about Maricopa County voters.  They are trying to stop the audit because they know what will be exposed, massive election fraud.

Kelli Ward provides a quick video update.  Chairwoman Ward walks through the courtroom decisions from Wednesday and provides an update on the ballot counting and verification.

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Catholic League Stands Up

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The following is one of a number of recent events that may indicate that more and more Americans and organizations within America are beginning to rouse themselves from their slumber.  They are beginning to push back against the obvious corruption and hypocrisy going on within the elitist ranks of some of our highest profile businesses.

William Donohue, President of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, sent a letter to Robert Manfred, commissioner for Major League Baseball (MLB).  No matter what your religious affiliation is, I take my hat off to the Catholic League for this letter.  It skewers MLB’s decision to move the All Star game out of majority black Atlanta to white Denver.  This decision was due to the Georgia’s new voting law requiring a proper ID.  MLB caved to pressure from leftist extremist groups that blatantly lied about the ramifications of the law.

The letter lays out in detail the stunning hypocrisy of MLB.

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