Category Archives: Election

Packing The Court

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The confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Barrett to the Supreme Court began on Monday.  If confirmed, Judge Barrett will become the first female justice of the Supreme Court to have school age children.

Amid the rancor leading up to these hearings the Democrats have threatened “packing the court” if she is confirmed.  Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has suggested Democrats would try to pack the court with liberal activist justices by increasing the number of justices.  Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has said that all options are on the table if Barrett is confirmed.

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Last week the Harris-Biden campaign ventured into the “battleground” state of Arizona.  Both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris showed up together for the first time since the Democratic National Convention.  A local news reporter reported from outside the venue.  She noted something weird.  That was that there was an almost complete absence of support for the two candidates.  I wonder if she still has a job after making note of this fact in her report.

Many of us will remember that PDJT outdrew Hillary Clinton all over the country in 2016.  This time Hillary’s diminutive crowds would dwarf those showing up for Biden-Harris.

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Why Donald Trump?

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Donald Trump is the only candidate who deserves your vote this November.  Trump is not perfect, like all Presidents, but I do believe he has the country, our America, first in his mind every day when he gets out of bed. No President has worked harder for all Americans.  I voted for him and fully intend to repeat that.

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Why They Hate Trump

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As Dan Newman has reported,

Trump has been hated from the very beginning. About seventy House Democrats boycotted his inauguration and even before he was inaugurated, some House Democrats declared Trump to be an “illegitimate president.” Democratic hatred for Trump goes back even to when he was still just the Republican nominee for president. Since that time, Democrats have referred to the president as “pond scum,” a “human turd,” “toxic sludge,” a “sebaceous cyst,” an “infectious microbe,” a “bursting landfill of municipal solid waste,” a “mountain of rotting whale blubber,” a “walking staph infection,” a “decomposing jack-o-lantern,” a “fascist carnival barker,” and a “snake-oil salesman.” And those are just the epithets that can be listed at TruthNewsNetwork.

In his impeachment trial in the House, the hatred that Democrats have for the president was pointed out by some Republicans before the vote was taken on the articles of impeachment:

  • This vote, this day is about one thing and one thing only. They hate this president (Chris Stewart, Utah).
  • This is a tragic day in our nation’s history. We have individuals that hate this president more than they love this country (Greg Murphy, N.C.).
  • It’s obvious today that there’s an intense hatred from the Democrats of President Donald Trump. Why do they hate the man so much (Paul Gosar, Ariz.)?

Why indeed?

President Trump is viewed by Democrats as rude, combative, arrogant, offensive, crass, crude, and politically incorrect. Many Democrats consider him to be a megalomaniac, a xenophobe, a homophobe, an Islamophobe, a racist, and a misogynist. But what is so interesting and intriguing about Democratic hatred for Donald Trump is that there is really no ideological basis for it.

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America’s Disgraced Media

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People across America fail to recognize the seriousness of media’s ability to shape a particular narrative and sell it to America.  Many people have zero appreciation for the damage that America’s news media have done to our nation.  They have zero appreciation for the fact that the media can start with something that has absolutely no basis in fact and get a majority of Americans to believe that it is indeed fact.

That’s not all of us, of course.  Many people on the conservative side of the ledger have proudly stopped reading anything from the NYTimes or WaPo.  We never switch the channel over to CNN, MSNBC or some other network that shills for the Deep State.  We attempt, through various outlets, to spread a different message.  We push back against the lies that the media spreads.

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Where The Stars & Stripes & the Eagle Fly

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This is what PDJT fights for.

PDJT has always stood up for all Americans.  Those “privileged protesters” who burn cities are trying to destroy our country.  PDJT is trying to prevent that and to return the country to the people.

There is a lady who stands in a harbor for liberty.  If the left had its way, I am sure that would be another monument they would like to topple.

Well if you ask me where I come from Here’s what I tell everyone:

I was born by God’s dear grace In an extraordinary place ... 

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New Jersey Promotes Voter Fraud

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The state where voter fraud has been a practiced art for a long time has now announced that they will engage in voter fraud openly and without shame.  On August 14th Governor Philip Murphy signed an executive order that effectively said that one cannot vote in person and expect that your vote would actually be counted correctly.  Keep in mind this is the same governor who told Tucker Carlson that the Bill of Rights is “above his pay grade.”

The governor did this under the cover of the “coronavirus emergency.”  He was “protecting the health and wellbeing of his residents” by making it difficult to vote in person.  Keep in mind that he did this with the full knowledge of how much more risky it is to vote by mail.

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