Category Archives: Election

The Black Death, Not Hardly

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The following is an insightful article by someone well south of our borders.  He calls out the obvious hypocrisy of those trying to keep the economy shut down while exposing the real motives underneath.  He destroys the virus’ lethal reputation just as PDJT did when he returned to the White House after just three days in the hospital.

Black Death

When POTUS got the coronavirus, the country held its breath. Here was the proof so many had hoped for.

The threat was real! All of the hardships and sacrifices of the last seven months were worth it after all. The Donald… after scoffing at the coronavirus… was now getting the divine retribution he had coming. ... 

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Cultural Revolution

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Are the Democrats following the playbook of the Chinese communists?  It certainly seems like that the Democrats are doing many of the same things that happened during Mao’s Cultural Revolution in China.  How many millions of people were killed during that upheaval?

Right now, the mob generates the hatred, foments the idea of racism and bullies people while pretending to be victims or to support some fantasy about making America safe from an out-of-control law enforcement.  This is pure evil at work.  This is a continuing attempt to fundamentally transform America from the land of the free to the home of Marxism.

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Media Lies

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The recent presidential debate has been the source of more flat-out lies by the media as they reported on the events of the evening.  One such example was CNN “fact checkers” claiming that Joe Biden did not call PDJT “xenophobic.”

To review, when the President closed the border with China over the Wuhan virus, Joe Biden said via Twitter “Stop the xenophobic fear-mongering.”

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America First

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Everything about this speech by former U.S. Ambassador and former Acting ODNI, Richard Grenell, is exceptional.  Grenell outlines how the ‘America First’ priorities of Donald Trump are antithetical to the DC crowd yet intensely pro-American.

Grenell outlines the Trump doctrine in all its perfectly American nuance.  He outlines the resistance approach taken by former officials, and then goes onto to describe how with President Trump in the White House it’s the people in charge, not politicians.

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Packing The Court

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During the presidential debate, former Vice President Joe Biden was asked whether he supports plans to pack the court if he wins the White House and Democrats regain a majority in the Senate in November. He was also asked about ending the filibuster.

These are no longer fringe positions of the radical left but serious proposals being debated within the Democratic Party. After Justice Ginsburg died, Democrats and their allies in the media were threatening to do just this if PDJT nominated someone to fill Ginsburg’s position on the court.  Not only were questions about court packing and the filibuster appropriate, but voters deserve to know what the Democratic Party’s candidate for President thinks about them and whether he plans to support them once in office.

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Vote For Results

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The following is from a Canadian on the current Presidential race.  The Canadian news media is notoriously left wing, so seeing an article like this is rare! Ernie Meggisen, a Canadian, wrote the following on Donald J. Trump.  It is presented unedited.

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Ballot Harvesting Voter Fraud

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Project Veritas investigators revealed a ballot harvesting scheme involving clan and political allies and associates of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D.-Minn.) in the first of a series of reports.  This is a 16 minute video by Project Veritas about voter fraud.

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In this crazy political season I decided a little religion might be appropriate so here is a short Bible study.

Remember what Jesus said: ‘Goats on the left, sheep on the right’. (Matthew 25:33).

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Social Security

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A regular exercise that Democrats engage in every four years is to claim that Republicans are going to end Medicare and/or Social Security.  This was a big item during the 2000 election campaign of Bush vs Gore.  The Bush campaign was talking about privatizing some aspects of Social Security.  There never was any intent to end or even reduce Social Security.  None of these claims of ending Social Security were true.  The Democrats were just trying to scare older citizens into voting Democratic.

In every presidential election cycle since then, the Democrats have hammered at this theme even though absolutely nothing about the Republican platforms have suggested taking away or reducing Social Security and/or Medicare benefits.

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