Category Archives: Election

Reparations For Pocahontas

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Elizabeth Warren has been hunting around for something, anything to save her already floundering campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination. She needs something to distinguish herself from the other socialists/communists who have announced their candidacies.

As with all Democrats she supports the killing of babies.  As with all Democrats she supports forcing pro-life doctors and nurses to participate in the killing of babies.  As with all Democrats she wants to force you, the taxpayer, to pay for the killing of babies.

As with all Democrats she supports open borders that permit all manner of evil people to invade our country through our southern border with Mexico.  This leads to all kinds of crime that would not exist if the flow of Illegal aliens was halted or vastly reduced.  This includes sex trafficking, drug smuggling and the expansion of MS-13 gangs.

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Coup D’Etat, Part 3

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One path that the coup plotters appear to have been contemplating was using the 25th amendment to remove PDJT from office after the firing of James Comey. The 25th amendment was originally passed to provide a framework for replacing, either temporarily or permanently, a President who became incapacitated and was unable to discharge his duties as President.  President Wilson’s stroke in 1919 is one example of the situations that might occur. Another example was President Reagan on the operating table after being shot and also for shortly thereafter.  There had been discussions of this nature after President Kennedy’s assassination.  These discussions led to the passage of the 25th Amendment in 1965.

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California and Apportionment

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As was noted last week, California enjoys more representatives in the House of Representatives than it deserves due to its burgeoning illegal alien population.  Based on the 2010 census, it is estimated that California has 7 to 8 more seats in the House than they would have if apportionment were based on the number of citizens rather than the total population.

Counting illegals in California in the census to inflate representation has been going on for a long time.  Money and power are at work here.  Today the elected representatives there declare their district a “sanctuary” area which attracts more illegals.  This creates an endless cycle where House seats are being “stolen” at the expense of states that follow the law.

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Why Is California A Sanctuary State?

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As most people know, California insists that it is a sanctuary state. Why are they doing this?  Many cities in California have areas that have become literal cesspools from the large numbers of homeless there.  Their sanitation needs are not met by standard state-of-the-art sanitation procedures.  Some cities have “poop” patrols to clean up the streets from the poop and other unsanitary items put there by homeless people.  Third world diseases are now beginning to show up.  Los Angeles has a typhus problem which appears to be spreading.  Due to the shortage of housing, encouraging more illegals to go there just exacerbates the problem.

There is an old saying that one should “follow the money” if you want to know why seemingly rational people would pursue what appears to be a irrational course of action.  And in this case that certainly appears to be true.

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Voter Fraud

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According to the Democrats, you are more likely to be hit by lightning than for an instance of voter fraud to occur.  They have long attacked any effort to look into the potential for voter fraud as “voter suppression.”  They use scare mongering to respond to questions about this.  They hope to deter people from taking a serious look at the possibilities.  People will be afraid to be labeled as racists and worse.

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The Circus Comes To Town

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The circus came to Fort Lauderdale, Florida on Friday.  As with all circuses there was a barker out there inviting people to see the mysteries within.  In this case the barker was CNN who had a “hunch” that there might be something newsworthy going on.  CNN flew a news crew down from Washington for this.  Because of a “hunch?”  It is amazing to watch these reporters spin these stories.  Clearly some people had advance knowledge communicated to them about what was going to happen.  The fact that CNN was on the receiving end of such info is telling in its own right.

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Throughout the election campaign the Democrats downplayed the “I” word, that is, impeachment. They knew from their polling that talking about impeachment would hurt their chances in the mid-term elections.

They also whined about the lack of civility in Washington claiming that only returning Democrats to power would restore civility.  How’s that working out now that the Democrats control the House?

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Normalizing Political Violence

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As has been pointed out before, the left wants the American people to accept political violence as normal.  Hatred and calls for violence from left wing activists are now so routine that few prominent people bother to condemn them.

Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi have constantly been urging their supporters to confront those who do not agree with their Marxist philosophy, to get in their faces in public, to harass them in restaurants, at department stores, at gas stations.  Waters even extended this to harassing people in their homes.  The goal is to silence those who disagree with them.

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DOJ Election Collusion?

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2018 has revealed on many levels the extent of the corruption in the DOJ and the FBI.  Only people who have been completely brainwashed will fail to see this. Knowing how far back this went, as Sundance over at CTH noted recently, looking back at events that may have appeared not connected at the time may be seen differently now.

As Sundance has noted, the case of Marc Turi takes on a new perspective. Turi admits to a criminal history. He told Fox Business that in the late 1980s, he stole a computer, his roommate’s car, and wrote bad checks including one for $100,000. Through court records, Fox News verified he was arrested, convicted, and served time in an Arizona jail. Turi admitted “In my youth, I made some very, very bad mistakes…I was discharged from the United States Navy other under than honorable conditions…and I’ve been fighting ever since to get that honor back.” ... 

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Hangman’s Nooses

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Last week on the morning before the runoff election for the US Senate in Mississippi a number of hangman’s nooses were found hanging from trees near the State Capitol in Jackson.  In addition, “hate” messages were found nearby.

Of course, this led to an immediate meltdown by the MSM and elite Democrats.  Leftists knew immediately who was behind the horrific display: white supremacists who supported Sen. Hyde-Smith in her runoff election against Democrat Mike Espy.


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