Category Archives: Excess Mortality

Why Now?

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Big Media is now shifting gears about the origins of the COVID-19 virus.  The Wuhan Lab Leak “conspiracy” theory is now becoming the official position of the US government.

(Via Wall Street Journal) – WASHINGTON—The U.S. Energy Department has concluded that the Covid pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak, according to a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress.

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Fauci Lied

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The fact that Fauci lied during the COVID pandemic is not news to anyone who paid a modicum of attention to his pronouncements.  From “Masks are useless” to “You need to double mask” Fauci was consistent only in that everything he did promoted the lie that vaccines were the answer to stopping the virus.  This included his speaking out against effective treatments (Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine) that would have saved countless lives if they had been employed.

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Duke Refuses Life-Saving Treatment to 14-year-old

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Doctors at Duke University, where 14-year-old Yulia Hicks has been awaiting a kidney transplant, have told her parents they will not give her a new kidney unless she is vaccinated against Covid – even though Yulia has already had and recovered from Covid.

Yulia suffers from Senior Loken Syndrome, a genetic condition that is destroying her kidneys and eyes and will soon force her to have a kidney transplant.  Yulia’s doctors at Duke are trying to coerce her parents into giving Yulia the death-and-disability jab promoted by Dr Fauci.  The doctors are doing this by refusing to allow a transplant to go ahead unless Yulia is jabbed with the “vaccine” that does not work.

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Excess Mortality

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Excess mortality among working age people continues to be an underreported item by Big Media.  This is an ongoing item of significant note.  However, the fact that no journalist working for Big Media has done so shows how little real journalism remains there.

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The Ministry Of Truth

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In George Orwell’s 1984 the Ministry of Truth was a government organization that was supposed to be focused on the pursuit of truth.  The reality was that the Ministry of Truth was charged with erasing the truth of the past and replacing it with whatever lies the Party decides is best.

The concept of the Ministry of Truth recognizes that power is the most important commodity that the Party has access to. And the power over what people believe (which includes power over the past) is part of that equation.

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And So It Begins Again

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Let’s remember that the only way that the Democrats can win any election at this point is to cheat.  In order to allow for that opportunity, the Democrats must limit or prevent in-person voting.  This will allow the use of ballot mules, ballot harvesting, and other fraudulent voting methods.  To create pressure to allow such methods, the Democrats must portray in-person voting as inherently dangerous.  Presto!  We now have a major Democratic stronghold with a known history of voter fraud announcing that a mandatory indoor mask mandate will be required starting April 18th.

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