Category Archives: FDA

Show Me The Difference

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The first Republican debate is now history.  Of all the candidates on stage (even the elephant that was in the room), only Vivek Ramaswamy stood out.  I will reserve judgement on him until I learn more.  The rest of them are cogs in a machine.  There is little difference between them and their counterparts on the other side of the aisle.

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The Worst Four Minutes

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Most of us remember the war against the people who refused the jab.  The jab did almost nothing in terms of preventing infection.  Still, people were fired from their jobs.  Multiple doses made some people into super carriers.  They were Typhoid Marys.  But, according to those involved in this war against science,  the unjabbed were the problem.

Now they want us to forgive and forget.  They tried to use state power to coerce us into giving up our most basic right – the right to choose what medicines we take. They put the jackboot on our throats and told us to comply.  They hated us for refusing and made sure that everyone knew it.

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Merck Drug Creates Mutations

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A drug created by Merck to fight COVID is causing mutations to appear in the virus in some patients.  This has led some researchers to worry that the drug may create more lethal and dangerous variations of COVID.

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Victor Davis Hanson has questions for the country.  Every American, Democrat, Republican or independent should want answers to these questions.  Perhaps Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries, Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell would deign to answer them since all of this has taken place on their watch.  If they won’t answer them, they should be removed from Congress along with any and all other leadership in Congress who facilitated this coup.

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Is The Human Race Screwed?

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Karl Denninger has been a font of data on all things COVID.  Denninger publishes facts, not speculation.  That alone makes his latest post on the mRNA therapy madness even more scary.  And it makes the case that those who forced the jabs on the human race should stand trial for crimes against humanity.

One of the items getting attention lately is the idea that the more you get jabbed with mRNA, the more likely you are to actually become infected with COVID.  There are now medical facts that entirely explain why this is happening.  Deninnger starts by discussing ADE. ... 

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Damar Hamlin

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We are all praying for the safe recovery for this young man.  For those who may not be aware, Hamlin collapsed on the field during the Buffalo Bills NFL game on Sunday.  The game was later suspended.  Exactly what was the cause of his collapse is not known at this time.  Dr. Tom Woods has written a post that I think is appropriate for where we are in our relationships with the public health elite in our country.

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Another Dissenting Voice

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Dr. Tom Woods has been a beacon of light, a refreshing bolt of sunshine, throughout the COVID ordeal.  Dr. Woods has consistently shown a light into the dark recesses of our government that were trying to end freedom in this country.  The latest episodes of the Twitter Files show just how true this has been.  Wholesale suppression of actual facts by the Biden administration was the norm.

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