Category Archives: Feel Good

Coronavirus Will Save America

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Gordon Wysong has written a very insightful piece for American Thinker.  In it Wysong takes a sober look at the coronavirus crisis.  Wysong comes to the conclusion that the coronavirus (COVID-19) will save America.  And I agree.

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Hope and Opportunity

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Sean Parnell speaks at the RNC about diversity and about being bound together as Americans.  Sean related his experiences as a platoon leader in Afghanistan.  He spoke about their success as a unit despite their differences.  Their commonality was that they were Americans.

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PDJT’s statement as a candidate in 2016 rings true today just as it did then.  His belief in the strength of America and its ideals is a beacon of hope for all of us.

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 A Time To Heal

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A single act can have impacts way beyond its immediate effects.  If a butterfly flaps its wings somewhere in Africa, that’s a small event. But that wing flap could be enough to slightly alter a wind, which in turn could initiate a chain of events causing a tornado weeks later in America. The point here, is that a very small event, such as a butterfly flapping its wings, can have very large consequences.

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Old Glory

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In these unsettled times it is useful to remember just how exceptional America is.  Working together we will overcome this virus just as we have overcome so many hurdles in the past.

We are “…one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Hat Tip…REM
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The crisis that our country finds itself engulfed in can sometimes get one down.  This video will lift you up as it highlights what is great about America.  It is a campaign video but it is inspiring rather than one that tears someone else down.  It is not the type of ad one is used to seeing during a presidential election campaign.

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