Category Archives: Islam

Combating Islamophobia

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We are six days away from the end of the most destructive administration in American history.  No administration has done more to damage the foundational values of this country.  On the way out the door, the administration announced “the first-ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia and Anti-Arab Hate.”

Now, if there was a burgeoning crisis in Islamophobia, it would be good to see the administration working to the last minute to deal with such a crisis.  What are the facts in this area?

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The tragedy in New Orleans that resulted in the death of 15 people and injuries to dozens more was initially reported to the world by the New Orleans police.  When making the initial report, we were told that this appeared to be a terrorism event and that the NOPD were looking at 4 to 5 additional individuals who may have been involved in the planning and execution of this heinous act.

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It is early in the investigation cycle for the dual acts of terrorism that took place on New Year’s Day.  However, they appear to be a targeted attack against the incoming presidency of Donald J Trump.

In Las Vegas, a Tesla Cyber Truck (Elon Musk) was used to attack the Trump Hotel.  It is hard to see any other message here other than violent opposition to transferring power to Trump as President.  CommunistsDemocrats do not peacefully transfer power.

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Now I suppose one should not look a gift horse in the mouth.  Israel and Hezbollah have agreed to a ceasefire in Lebanon.  It is effective immediately.  Of course, the usual language of resuming hostilities on a moment’s notice was part of the announcement.

CBS News reports:

Under the deal, a full and permanent ceasefire would be implemented immediately. There will be 60 days permitted for the full withdrawal of Israeli forces — a gradual withdrawal to allow the Lebanese forces to mobilize and move in to secure the area, but the trigger time is immediate, set to take effect later Tuesday.

The first peel-off of Israeli troops was to begin within the next 10 days.

Hezbollah is expected to pull its forces and heavy weapons back about 20 miles from the Israeli border, to the Litani River.

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Gaza Pier

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The Pentagon has confirmed that the temporary pier that was built to deliver “humanitarian aid” to Palestinians is a total disaster.  This was to be a crowning jewel of Biden’s foreign policy and was supposed to aid his campaign for re-election.  In particular, this was done to convince the Muslims in Michigan to vote for Biden.

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Has a civil war begun here in America?  We are seeing the takeover of campus buildings on multiple campuses around the country.  Some students who are trying to enter their own campuses are being prevented from doing so.  Others are being assaulted because of their heritage.

Where does this violence go from here?  Where are the politicians who were so quick to declare J6 an insurrection?

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