Category Archives: Media Bias

Dear Legacy Media:  You Are Right To Be Afraid

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Hrand Tookman over at LBA has written a piece about the media.  In it Tookman calls out the absolute evil of those who work within the “woke supremacy” of most media outlets.

What if you’re not “the cool kids?”

I know you think you are.

But have you ever considered that you might not be?

That you might actually be the douchebags?

Seriously. Your bubble is so airtight and you’re all so bought-in. How would you even know it if, in fact, there were people much cooler than you with much cooler ideas who were set to accomplish much cooler things?

You don’t listen. You don’t investigate. You sure as hell don’t care.

You only propagandize, and only in promotion of the America-hating, often racist and increasingly fascist left.

And what if, despite your best efforts, that’s exactly how history records it?

Few people today really know that Democrats, academia, Hollywood, corporate America and the legacy news media all used “science” to justify their Nazi-era support for eugenics. It was only after the Nazis lost that your “liberal” ancestors buried all traces of their genocidal celebration.

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Questions For The Avatar In The White House

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Below are some questions that true reporters should be asking the White House press secretary Jen Psaki.  Of course, it is highly unlikely that any such questions will ever be asked by the lame stream media.

Question #1 – Regarding the changes to Georgia’s election laws, Atlanta’s main newspaper, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, claims, “However, the law made some changes to early voting. But experts say the net effect was to expand the opportunities to vote for most Georgians, not limit them.” Understanding this, will President Biden immediately ask Major League Baseball (MLB) to reverse its decision regarding the All Star game? And will he also publicly apologize to the people of Atlanta, to the people of Georgia for pushing economic boycott/sanctions on their state?  Will he publicly apologize for calling these changes to Georgia’s election laws “Jim Crow on steroids?”

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The Rise of Naziism

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Several times over the past year I have mentioned the striking parallels between the activities of the Democratic Party since Obama was elected and the rise of the Nazis in Germany during the 1920’s and 1930’s.  These parallels are being noticed by more people.  Steve McCann has produced two excellent columns over at American Thinker on this subject.  I will be borrowing from his efforts here.

There is little doubt about the Nazi tactics being used by the left to fundamentally transform America from a constitutional republic into a socialist/communist state with one-party, totalitarian rule.  The Democrats continue to try to exploit fears of “systemic racism” and “white supremacy” to advance their agenda of controlling the public just as the Nazis did almost a century ago.  Witness the barbed wire enclosure of the Capitol in the face of a supposed imminent threat to the constitutional order of the country.  Witness the charges of “insurrection” against people who peacefully protested the stealing of the 2020 election.

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Democrat supporters “stormed” the Georgia State Capitol on Monday after legislators passed a Voter ID requirement for absentee ballots.

The usual culprits advanced the idea that requiring someone to prove who they are is somehow contrary to basic American values concerning free and fair elections.  MSM reporting claimed that voter access was being “rolled back”.  No one in the MSM explained how this was so.  Everyone who could vote previously will still be able to vote.

The problem for the Democrats is that this makes it harder to cheat.

Neanderthal Thinking

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Is The End Of America Near?

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I have been writing for a long time about the usurping of Americans’ constitutional rights under the guise of a pandemic.  The lockdowns, and other restrictive measures (no in-person religious services, no face-to-face schooling, wearing masks, etc.) is leading America to becoming a totalitarian state.  The populace is being trained to submit to any and all dictates coming from our elected politicians.  This is always couched inside the rhetoric of this being for one’s own good.

Naomi Wolf is an American liberal, feminist author, journalist and former political advisor to Al Gore and Bill Clinton. Wolf was an advisor to Bill Clinton’s successful run for a second term in 1996 for the Presidency.  Wolf has written a number of books including the bestseller The End of America released in 2007.

This week Wolf appeared, believe it or not, on Tucker Carlson’s show.  As Tucker noted, he’s sure she probably lost friends just for doing that.  Such is the nature of the Cancel Culture in this country.

Why did she take this step which must have been fraught with trepidation for her?  Even though she is someone who might be characterized as being on the Left, Wolf sees what is going on in the country as the precursor to a full-on police state.  In her mind this transcends everything liberals and conservatives might disagree on.  The people must unite to fight back against this appropriation of our liberties.

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The Clown Show

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Tuesday is the beginning of the Washington elites’ third bite at the apple of impeachment.  Yes, that’s right.  This is the third attempt to remove PDJT from office via the impeachment route.  What’s that you say?  PDJT is no longer in office so how can they impeach him?  In the circus that is Washington, anything is possible.  When you have a Speaker of the House who has an all-consuming hatred of PDJT, all it takes is a little pixie dust, a healthy dose of insanity and a new Army of the Potomac to protect you from everyday Americans. ... 

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Random Thoughts

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Breitbart reports that our pretend President went to Walter Reed hospital on Friday to visit some of the wounded members of the Armed Forces.

Biden noted,

“These kids are amazing. And thank God there’s not as many people to visit.”

I’m sure God was in the mix but the primary reason that there are not many to visit is President Trump not starting any new wars while he was in office.  I wonder how long that will last.

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After the “storming” of the Capitol Building on January 6th, the media has treated the country to story after story about insurrection, coup d’etat, and rioting.  Of course, as usual the media had a narrative they wanted to push and it had little connection to the real facts on the ground.  Those who would permanently control the power in this country may have realized that their hold over Americans is tenuous at best.

When the narrative quickly lost steam due in no small part to the hundreds of thousands of peaceful protesters who were actually present in Washington on January 6th, they switched gears.  The story that was pushed was that pro-Trump supporters were going to disrupt the inauguration of America’s first pretend President as well as bringing chaos to the capitol cities of states across the country.  More than once the FBI was quoted as being in possession on credible evidence of potential right-wing violence.

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Is The Media Losing Its Grip?

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Has the media entered into an echo chamber or fantasy land where what they say matters little to most Americans?

Rasmussen and others conduct regular polls on the popularity and support for POTUS.  On January 5th, PDJT’s job approval rating was 47%.  Then came the rally to Save America on January 6th which was followed by some Antifa types and some pro-Trump loonies invading the Capitol building.

Since then, there has been firestorm of coverage from the media denouncing the President, charging sedition, incitement to riot, an attempted coup and calling for his impeachment.  The Democrats have obliged by ginning up another false impeachment proceeding.  They even managed to convince a small number of Republicans to join them.

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