Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Not Guilty…Pay The Woman

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With a storyline that would never make it in Hollywood, A NYC jury found PDJT not guilty of rape in a civil case.  Then it awarded the moonbat woman who brought the out-of-this-world story $5 million because PDJT denied it.  Yes, you read that right.

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Armor of God

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We must ask God to help us against the forces of evil.  He will help us remain steadfast in the face of the wicked who want to end the greatest experiment in human governance in history.

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Independence Can Not Be Controlled

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One of the big problems for the globalists, the people who want to rule the world, is that independent people cannot be controlled easily.  General Mike Flynn has tackled this issue and exposes some of the big lies we have seen over the last two decades.  More importantly he notes that taking care of our country must be a first priority before anything else.  In many, many ways General Flynn is preaching an America First ideology just as PDJT has.

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Harris Defends J6 Protesters (Not)

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For those who have been paying attention for the last three years and two months, we’ve consistently been told that protesting inside and outside of a legislative building and stepping onto the floor of said building, is a crime that is literally as heinous as the Civil War itself. Any representatives who show even the slightest support for this kind of protest are as bad as the protesters themselves.

Recently VP Harris went to Nashville and delivered a speech on this subject.  One enterprising individual overlaid her speech on video of J6 protesters walking through the Capitol Building. ... 

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Highlights & Lowlights

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New info regarding the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s unprecedented raid of President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home last year.

“On August 8, 2022, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) conducted an unprecedented raid of Mar-a-Lago on the ground that potentially classified records existed there. According to press reports, Biden Administration aides were “stunned” to hear of this development,” AFL begins in a press release. “However, new NARA records obtained through America First Legal’s investigation into the circumstances surrounding the Mar-a-Lago raid further confirmed that the FBI obtained access to these records through a ‘special access request’ from the Biden White House on behalf of the Department of Justice (DOJ).”

In addition to confirming that the White House was involved in setting up Trump, AFL also proves that the National Archives misled Congress about the role the White House played in the raid.

And Nixon was forced to resign because of Watergate.  How long before Biden resigns?

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If you are a Democrat and CNN is not supplying a full-throated defense of what you are doing, you have screwed up royally.  The whole indictment is a farce and the whole process has been what will probably turn out to be a textbook case of malicious prosecution.  Alvin Bragg needs to check whether his liability insurance is up to date.  It is time to start arresting Democrats.

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