Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

NYC’s Mayor Spins A Narrative

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On Monday, NYC Mayor Eric Adams warned Trump supporters not to act like BLM groups.  Unlike the BLM and Antifa groups that torched sections of the city, that rioted and destroyed businesses with impunity, Trump supporters will be arrested if they set one toe out of line.

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Stalinist Pelosi

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With the announcement of the indictment of PDJT, Nancy Pelosi, the former Speaker of the House, displayed her communist bona fides for everyone to see.  Pelosi was among many who tweeted after Trump was indicted by the Soros-funded Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

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Why Now?

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One has to ask that question in connection with the hurried up indictment of former and perhaps future President Donald Trump.  Just the other day it was announced that the grand jury would not be meeting for a few weeks.  All of a sudden the grand jury is handing down indictments.  Why now?

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Odds & Ends

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Socialism is failing in France.  Margaret Thatcher said it best, socialism only works until you run out of other people’s money.  French politicians had made promises over the years that could not be fulfilled.  Eventually the idea that everyone could be supported on the government dole was going to blow up.  Macron was installed as France’s leader so that the economy could be collapsed and taken over by the globalists.

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It appears that the unprecedented indictment of a former President of the United States is now imminent.  The only problem at the moment is that Manhattan DA Alvin Braggs is hesitating.  This probably does not sit well with the money people behind him who want to see that Donald Trump will never again threaten their money flow.

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This is what the Democrats are trying to do, creating another smokescreen.  They need to distract the American public from the absolutely devastating damage they have done to the economy, to the body politic, to each and every individual who got jabbed with poison, to the country as a whole, to those who believe in freedom and liberty.

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America First

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Former and, as Joe Biden said, perhaps future President Donald Trump released a policy statement on Ukraine and the evil people who inhabit the elite political establishment in our country.  In it Trump talked about the difference between those who feast at the public trough and those who are truly committed to this country.

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Never Ever Give Up

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I hear from people from time to time who are descending into the valley of despair over where America is headed.  When we dwell on the mountain in front of us that looks insurmountable, the goal that appears unattainable, we handicap our ability to succeed, to overcome the corruption and evil that is being exposed to us daily.

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Highlights & Lowlights

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The owner of Insider and Politico warns journalists that AI is coming for their jobs.  ChatGPT is a bot that is capable of providing lengthy response to questions posed to it.  It has become so popular that some school systems have banned its use on student assignments.

If there is a concern that it could replace journalists, does this mean ChatGPT has learned to lie?

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