Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Sunlight Needed

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Once again, the Biden/Obama DOJ is trying to prevent sunlight from reaching the depths of criminality within the DOJ and the FBI.  PDJT’s lawyers have asked for a special master to be appointed to review the material stolen from Mar-a-Lago by the FBI under the auspices of an illegal and unconstitutional warrant.  The DOJ is opposed.  Why?

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Mar-a-Lago Background, Part 3

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In part 1 and part 2 of this series we talked about events that occurred some time ago.  In some cases, these events occurred more than two decades ago.  It is important to keep in mind that there has been a long march through our government institutions.  This part will focus on more recent developments

As noted previously, in connection with Washington DC politics, there has been a fusion of the two parties into a uniParty.  Exposure of this collusion threatens the very existence of the old line GOP at this point in time.  PDJT is transforming the GOP into the most diverse political party in history.  His leadership is allowing everyday Americans to come out and say they love America.  The extreme caterwauling of the Demo-Communists indicates they understand just what a threat this is to their control over the country in cahoots with the IC Branch of our government.

What role does Big Tech play in this brazen abrogation of our liberties by the fourth branch of government?

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Mar-a-Lago Background, Part 2

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In part 1 of this series we talked about events that occurred some time ago.  In some cases these events occurred more than a decade ago.  It is important to keep in mind that this was a long-term effort by totalitarians to control the country.  And yes, Obama was easier to control than Hillary would have been.

It is also important to note that, in connection with Washington DC politics, there has been a fusion of the two parties into a uniParty.  Exposure of this collusion threatens the very existence of the traditional GOP at this point in time.  We have recently seen Mitch McConnell denigrate some the GOP candidates for the Senate simply because they are MAGA people.  His leadership position and his ability to pass the torch to a candidate of his choosing are probably at risk if the MAGA candidates win.

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Zuck Throws The FBI Under The Bus?

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An interesting interview happened to come my way.  During a discussion with Joe Rogan, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was asked about the pre-2020 election story involving the Hunter Biden laptop.  While Zuckerburg dances cautiously around the story, he does imply that the FBI told Facebook that a Russian disinformation story was about to emerge on the political scene.  This happened the day before the NYPost released the Hunter Biden laptop story.

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Odds & Ends

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Last week, the CDC Director finally stated the obvious. During an interview, Rochelle Walensky said her agency mishandled significant parts of its responsibilities during COVID.  I would say that the damage that’s been done to public trust in the CDC simply cannot be overstated.  It will take a very long time before trust in the CDC will be restored.

At every step along the way, the CDC has appeared inept and flatfooted, even during the Trump administration. It’s only gotten worse under Walensky’s leadership.

So where do we begin with this?

Perhaps Walensky should step down.  At least that would take her out of the running for the most inept appointment of the current administration.

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Mar-a-Lago Background, Part 1

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There is every reason to question the motives behind this raid.  This is especially true when you consider the lack of attention to Hillary’s email server, the Carter Page warrants, the Russian “collusion” hoax, the utterly damning evidence on Hunter Biden’s laptop that still has not been properly pursued by investigators, and on and on.

This raid on a former President’s home is unprecedented and has all the markings of a total abuse of political power. It looks like Deep State malfeasance at its best and a complete descent into totalitarianism at its worst.  Every American ought to be alarmed and outraged over this.

This will be an attempt to outline the story behind how we have gotten to where we are today in this country.  And, to be clear, that story is the fact that the DOJ and the FBI are now weapons being used by the administration in power to target political opposition.

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The Strings Cannot Be Unseen

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Sundance over at CTH is fond of quoting that once you have seen the marionette strings, you cannot unsee them.  Mike Turner, a Republican congressman from Ohio, took the place of Devin Nunes as the ranking member on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) when Nunes left Congress.

On Sunday, Turner was interviewed on CBS by Ed O’Keefe about the illegal and unconstitutional raid on PDJT’s home at Mar-a-Lago.  These men are two puppets who play their roles in trying to indict PDJT in the public’s mind.  This is the only approach where the characters behind the curtain have any hope of being successful.

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Preaching Totalitarianism

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The result of preaching totalitarian doctrines is to weaken the instinct by means of which free peoples know what is or is not dangerous.” — George Orwell, Animal Farm

Perhaps no quote is more apropos for our times about what is going on in western countries right now.  Bob Livingston has written an essay that pours sunlight on this idea.

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