Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Breaking News

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The Trump administration has just announced another Middle East breakthrough. Sudan and Israel will normalize ties. This is the third Arab nation to do so as a result of Trump’s efforts, in addition to the United Arab Emirate and Bahrain.

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Lessons From Trump’s Battle With COVID-19

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As we all know PDJT tested positive for the virus and was admitted to Walter Reed for treatment.  PDJT emerged three days later and has returned to his pre-illness form.  When the man sleeps is anybody’s guess.  Trump is a non-stop dynamo of energy.

But wait!  Isn’t PDJT 74 years old?  Isn’t he overweight?  Isn’t he the model target for this virus?  The answer to all of these questions is a resounding “Yes!”  How in the world did he beat the virus so handily and so quickly?

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The Democrats & Media Lie Again

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One of the things that the Democrats have been doing to downplay the lack of enthusiasm for Joe Biden has been to demonize the Trump rallies.  They have spread narratives that these rallies are super-spreader events for COVID-19.  Supposedly these rallies are putting the health of Americans at great risk.

A recent analysis of publicly available health data has shown no statistically significant evidence that this is the case.  State health officials responsible for maintaining such data concur that COVID-19 numbers cannot be directly tied to campaign rallies. ... 

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Banned By YouTube

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The following campaign ad was banned by YouTube.  This is a completely benign campaign ad that lifts up America and Americans.  Completely harmless campaign ad; downright traditional, loving and patriotic. In other words, to YouTube and the Left, heresy.

Why was it banned?  Undoubtedly some leftist moderator of content on YouTube decided that being patriotic was a bad thing.

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Hollywood legend and conservative superstar Jon Voight released a stunning video on Saturday in which he openly called Democrat Joe Biden ‘evil’ and called for God to help President Trump get reelected in the upcoming election.

Voight continued, saying that Trump ‘must win’ and that the lies of the left ‘must be wiped out.’

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The Home Stretch

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Sundance over at CTH put out a tremendous piece late last night.  I think it encompasses everything that is true about our Lion, PDJT.  PDJT is a person who knows that not everything will work out as we want it to.  He does not dwell on these things but moves on.

I wrote a piece yesterday about joy and optimism.  This is certainly uniquely Trump.  It is not like anything we have seen recently in Presidential politics.  Sundance has expanded on this in his piece.

I have reproduced the first couple of paragraphs below.  I urge you to read the whole thing.  You will likely not read anything more uplifting today. ... 

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Fitness For Office

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Much has been written about the need for fitness for the office of the Presidency.  There is a growing concern over the last decade or so about the ability of those running to be able to handle the rigors of the job.  During the 2016 election campaign this became a particularly focused area due to the apparent frailty of Hillary Clinton.  Clinton would attend campaign events for one or two days and then take several days off to recover.  Clinton collapsed at an event in NYC in connection with 9/11 remembrances.

There is no question about the demands of the job.  Those of us who are a little older can all remember the aging that our Presidents have gone through while on the job.  We can remember a vibrant JFK who visibly aged before our eyes before his assassination.

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