Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Herman Cain

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Herman Cain died recently from complications from a coronavirus infection.  Many Americans do not know just how great a person Herman was.  And most will never know since the MSM cannot broadcast his many feats without undermining their narrative that black Americans need help to prosper in this country.  The left, in particular, will vilify his memory precisely because he saw through their “progressive” ideology.

Herman Cain was a highly successful businessman who approached everything he did with enthusiasm.  In 1977, he joined the Pillsbury Company where he later became vice president. During the 1980s, Cain’s success as a business executive at Burger King prompted Pillsbury to appoint him as chairman and CEO of Godfather’s Pizza.  Cain served in that capacity from 1986 to 1996.

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Sidney Powell On The Warpath

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Sidney Powell connects the dots within the Obama administration’s surveillance abuses and the use of FBI “contractors” to mine the NSA database.  Powell outlines how it has been documented that the FBI believed General Flynn.  The agents believed Flynn was telling the truth about his conversation with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.  Yet almost immediately after the interview, Sally Yates was trying to get Flynn fired.

Everyone involved knew that Flynn’s conversations with the ambassador were perfectly legitimate.  Sally Yates was quoted as saying that there were no criminal acts present even in connection with the Logan Act.

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During last week’s session before the House Judiciary Committee, AG Bill Barr was asked by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) if John Durham was looking at the unmasking of Michael Flynn.  During the final stages of the Obama administration, Flynn’s name was unmasked 49 times by 38 different individuals in the Obama administration.  These included seven unmaskings by the Treasury Department.

Barr’s answer appears to catch the room by surprise.  Barr tells the committee that a separate US Attorney, one John Bass from Texas, has been tasked with handling the unmaskings investigation.  There are now five USAO’s working on parallel tracks within this investigation.

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Florida Police Unanimously Endorse Trump

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All the country has heard for weeks is the need to defund and dismantle police departments across the country.  The public has been told over and over that there are no redeeming values in America’s law enforcement.  Democratic politicians have been at the forefront of these efforts.  Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has called police “a cancer” that needs to be eradicated.  Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden has climbed aboard the lunatics’ bandwagon.

Some police have had enough of this nonsense.  Last week the 30,000 member Florida Police Benevolent Association (FPBA) held an emergency vote to make clear who they supported in the upcoming presidential election.  The vote was unanimous to endorse PDJT.

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The Deadliest Virus

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Marxists are manipulating people trying to divide the free world, cause an uprising that results in revolution.  Marxism’s modus operandi is to pit one group against another.  If they succeed, Marxists will then establish a dictatorship just as they have done before. Equality will be out the window.  They did the same thing to Russia 100 years ago.

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Black Democrat Scorches MSNBC Hack

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The Democrats showed their hand again.  If you are black, you must be a Democrat.  You must vote Democratic because the Democrats are the masters of the plantation.

For the second time in a week an MSNBC hack accused a black politician if they were getting paid to support PDJT’s re-election.  This is the same level of lunacy evidenced by Joe Biden’s remark about if you are not voting for him, “you ain’t black.”  This just drips of racism.

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As noted yesterday, the tech giants are hiding/banning posts about treatments for the coronavirus and the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).  This comes despite a reputable recent major study and a new report from a Yale epidemiological expert that verifies the potential efficacy of HCQ.

Dr. Harvey Risch is a Yale epidemiology professor.  Dr. Risch has authored over 300 peer-reviewed publications and currently holds senior positions on the editorial boards of several leading journals.  He authored an op-ed that was published in Newsweek regarding the use of HCQ as an efficacious treatment for COVID-19.

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Jim Jordan Outlines The Coup

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Jim Jordan (R-OH) lays out the timeline of the coup against the President of the United States.  Jordan lays out facts, not theories.  At one time each of facts Jordan presents were blasted as right-wing conspiracy theories by various Democrats and the bobbleheads in the media.

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