Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump


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Over the last several years a new psychiatric term has made its way into the lexicon.  It is Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).  While it is not yet in the library of approved mental illnesses, it was on display in full view of the nation on Tuesday night.

At the end of the President’s State of the Union address, Speaker Nancy Pelosi had a complete and unadulterated meltdown that resulted in her ripping up a copy of the transcript (destined for the National Archives)  in full view of the country.

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Impeachment 2.0 Ends

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The farce known as the impeachment of PDJT is over.  Well, of course, it is not truly over just yet.  There is the vote of the “jurors” that still has to be taken.  That is scheduled for sometime Wednesday at this point.

This is probably a good time to step back and take a look at the events from the 30,000-foot level.  When one does this, the pattern immediately becomes obvious.  All of the events since the election in 2016 (actually there were events even before that…”insurance policy”) have been geared to the removal of PDJT from office.  This has been simply about the Democrats, the Deep State and the media working together to accomplish this.  They are scared to death that PDJT will actually return the power to the people.

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The Next Phase

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With an acquittal looming over them from the farce of an impeachment that the Speaker orchestrated by decree, Speaker Pelosi went to the microphones and claimed that PDJT would not be acquitted if the Senate acquits him of the charges.  Yes, Pelosi actually said that.

Apparently some in the media are recognizing the truth of the matter and are becoming a bit bolder about questioning the Speaker.  The reporter asked,

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Wildwood, NJ

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A campaign rally for PDJT is scheduled for Tuesday evening in Wildwood, NJ.  People started showing up for the rally at 6 PM on Sunday!  These people got on line and are camping out overnight in the bitter cold of winter just to be able to get in to the Convention Center.  Hundreds were in line at 1 PM Monday when the video below was shot.

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Silence Is Consent

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Are the Democrats and their allies in the media trying to foment a civil war in this country?  Does anyone ever hear someone on the Left speak out against violence when it is directed at a person who is a Trump supporter, someone who is a conservative?  How often does one hear the implication that a Trump supporter “had it coming” because all Trump supporters are racists, homophobes, misogynists, white supremacists, etc.

The following incident is stomach-turning and is just one incident in a long list of such incidents since PDJT started campaigning for the Presidency.  This was ten months to the day after the media beatdown of Nick Sandmann for wearing a MAGA hat and smiling at a Native American who was taunting him.  Do not look away.  This is the kind of thing that the Democrats and the media have been condoning by their silence.  This is what is in store for all Trump supporters if the Democrats ever return to power in Washington.

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March For Life

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On Friday President Trump will become the first sitting President to attend the annual March For Life rally in Washington in person.

The March for Life is an annual rally peacefully protesting both the practice and legality of abortion.  It is held in Washington, D.C. on or around the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, a landmark decision issued in 1973 by the United States Supreme Court legalizing abortion nationwide. The march’s stated mission is to “End abortion by uniting, educating, and mobilizing pro-life people in the public square.”

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While the Democrats and their media allies wallow around in their delusions of impeachment, President Donald J Trump is leading the world to an understanding of how to help all people prosper.  Many more people from around the world tuned into listen to PDJT’s remarks at the World Economic Forum than tuned into the sham impeachment hearings in Washington.

There was a great deal of international interest in this speech.  Essentially PDJT is instructing the world that economics is not the zero-sum game that many of the world’s corrupt politicians would have you believe.  That is, just because our economy gets bigger does not mean that other economies must get smaller.  PDJT is encouraging world leaders to unleash the potential of their people, to get out of the way and let people prosper rather than trying to exercise top-down control over all aspects of their people’s lives.

PDJT pointed out that the changes that have occurred in America have helped all people, rich and poor, young and old, male and female.  A greater percentage of the improvement in the economy has come to the common people of all persuasions rather than the rich.

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More Democratic Corruption Exposed

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In January this year an earthquake (6.4 on the Richter scale) hit Puerto Rico.  Damage occurred in many places in Puerto Rico.  Strong aftershocks have continued.  One of the buildings damaged was a warehouse.  In that building were literally tons of emergency relief aid from Hurricane Maria (2017).

Thousands of pallets, double and triple stacked, of key and essential emergency supplies are present. Bottled water, shelf-stable food, diapers, baby formula, blankets, tarps, tents, propane grills, propane, emergency lights, batteries, flashlights, emergency radios, potable water cans and much, much more.

There is serious money at play here.

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USMCA Passes

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The USMCA trade deal replacing NAFTA, passed by Mexico more than half a year ago, has finally passed both the Senate and the House in the United States.  PDJT is expected to sign it next week.  The deal is a major win for manufacturing in North America.

Despite broad bi-partisan support in both legislative chambers in this country, Speaker Pelosi had held up submitting the deal for a vote for months.  Pelosi did not want PDJT to have a win in providing a better economy for all Americans.  Eventually internal pressure within her own party forced her to move on the issue.  No Democrat facing re-election wanted to be the target of voter angst because the Democrats were hurting Americans in their pocketbooks.  It is also a certainty that the Democrats did not want PDJT pummeling them about the USMCA during his State of the Union address this year.

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The Attempted Coup Continues

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Speaker Pelosi put on a made-for-tv spectacle in deciding to advance the sham impeachment to the Senate on Wednesday.  She appointed the House managers for this farce.  It was a real spectacle. Nancy Pelosi pretending she was President with signing pens in silver trays. Then there was the ceremonial march to the Senate.

These people will forever be known as those who participated in an attempted coup to overthrow the government of the United States.  Perhaps Speaker Pelosi asked, “Are there any traitors to the Constitution in the room?” and their hands went up because they thought they could get on the gravy train that Pelosi has been on.  Of course, they forgot to wear the white robes and the pointed white hats.

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