Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

The Circus Comes To Town

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Sometime this week ringmaster Adam Schiff will entertain the country with the beginnings of the public phase of his star-chamber proceeding.  Adam Schiff, as he has proven over and over again, is no seeker after the truth.  For two years during the Mueller investigation he regaled the American public with lies about what he had seen in classified documents.  These lies painted a picture of such corruption by PDJT that PDJT would likely be marched out of the White House in handcuffs when the Mueller Report was released.  Of course, when the report was released, Schiff was convicted in the court of public opinion as a Congressman with exactly zero credibility.

This upcoming public circus is the result of actions that the Democrats took recently in the House.  House Democrats passed a resolution that defined the procedures for their inquiry moving forward.  Keep in mind the inquiry has never been officially authorized by a full House vote.  The procedures do not permit any witnesses to be called unless they are approved by Josef Stalin wannabe Adam Schiff. So the idea of something fair and transparent is about as likely as hell freezing over.

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Does The Media Lead The Coup?

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Media bias in 2019 is more flagrant and destructive than in 2016. And 2016 saw outright bias in the media like we in America had rarely if ever seen before.  24/7 it is literally “Orange Man Bad” reporting.  Surveys of reporting in the MSM show that 92% of the reporting on PDJT is negative.  This highly negative reporting is about a President who, at this point in his Presidency, has done more for the American people than the last four Presidents did over their entire Presidencies combined.

Where are the positive stories about this?

Critics of the media who call out this obvious bias, are often mocked or dismissed.   The media try to make perfectly sane people with a valid theory or gripe look like they are crazy or some kind of right-wing conspiracy nuts.  We have seen this over and over again in interviews in the MSM with Trump defenders.

Jake Tapper is notorious for doing this.  There’s simply no way that every person Tapper interviews who supports PDJT deserves to be mocked and treated like a criminal.   On the other side of coin, does every person who opposes PDJT deserve softball questions and to be treated with kid gloves?

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Biden Exposed

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My, my.  The smoke is clearing.  John Solomon over at The Hill continues to do yeoman’s investigative work.  The so-called corruption fantasy that has been derided by the Democrats and their cronies in the MSM is being documented by true investigative reporting.

Through memos obtained under a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit (Solomon filed the suit this summer with the help of the public interest law firm, the Southeastern Legal Foundation), Solomon shows that everything Joe Biden and the Obama administration previously denied taking place regarding the Ukraine actually took place.

Solomon noted that Burisma hired Hunter Biden in the spring of 2014, around the time that British officials opened corruption investigations into Burisma. Hunter Biden’s firm began receiving monthly payments in May 2014 from Burisma totaling more than $166,000, according to bank records.

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Obstruction Is The End Goal

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An item that has not received a lot of press lately is House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Nadler’s attempt to unseal the grand jury testimony collected by the Special Counsel.  The Special Counsel found no evidence of any crimes involving the reason for the existence of the Special Counsel.  That is, there was no collusion between anyone in the Trump campaign and Russia or Russian actors.  There was also no obstruction charged.

On the contrary, as is slowly being revealed in the General Michael Flynn case, there appears to be significant evidence of criminal wrongdoing within the Special Counsel’s staff.  It appears that they tried to entrap Flynn and, when that failed, they doctored transcripts of his testimony to make it appear that he lied to Federal investigators. How far and how widespread this illicit conduct goes is unclear at this time.  Sydney Powell, Flynn’s attorney, is apparently about to file a motion to dismiss the Flynn case “due to egregious misconduct” on the part of the government.

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Hong Kong vs The Democrats

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After five long months of unrest in Hong Kong, what do the protesters really want? Many have said they are protesting for democracy. To “Free Hong Kong.” To “Liberate Hong Kong.” But what does that really mean?

To better understand what Hong Kongers want, one just has to look at the flags they are carrying to their protests.

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Impeachment Inquisition Continues

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The Democrats moved further down the trail away from fairness and justice. Adam Schiff prohibited witnesses from answering questions from Republican congressmen during Schiff’s impeachment inquisition in the House basement.  Schiff claims it is a fair process, but Schiff is now directing witnesses not to answer questions from Republicans.  Why?  Is Adam Schiff afraid of the truth?

As Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Steve Scalise (R-LA) reported, this is becoming more and more the type of one-sided process one used to see in the old Soviet Union.  The Democrats are trying to impeach a President behind closed doors without any due process just like in the old Soviet Union.

The Soviets would decide what the crime was, they would decide who would testify and then they would render a verdict.  Of course, that verdict would be pre-determined.  Show trials were their specialty.  By the time they were done, the public would be convinced of the guilt of any innocent party.  If the victim played along, then he/she might expect only a couple of decades in the gulag.

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Fear Strikes

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An interesting article on the leftist mindset.  As J. R. Dunn points out, Rick Wilson bares his deranged mind for the world to see.

Fear strikes deep into the woke

An interesting portrayal of the leftist mentality, particularly as regards matters involving President Trump, can be found on the left-wing site Medium.

It’s not often we get a clear picture of how leftists actually think.  The message is so simplified, dumbed down, and controlled, largely for the benefit of the lowest-common-denominator Left, along with camouflaging the actual agenda, that what we usually get is no more than a cartoon.  “Journalists,” print, broadcast, or whatever, are simply robots who repeat whatever is given to them.  Pundits and other commentators are in the business of soothing and calming down true believers — yes, it’s all going according to plan, yes, utopia is on schedule, yes, the revolution is coming. ... 

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al-Baghdadi Dead

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Over the weekend US special forces executed a raid on an ISIS location in Syria that resulted in the death of ISIS strongman Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.  Baghdadi was the self-proclaimed leader of ISIS that had conquered large swaths of eastern Syria and western Iraq.  He had established an Islamic caliphate in that area.

Baghdadi was responsible for some of the most heinous acts the modern world had ever seen.  Baghdadi and his ISIS terrorists beheaded international journalists, buried journalists in the ground and ran them over with tanks.  They brutally raped captives and drowned and burned Syrian civilians in cages.  They burned a Jordanian pilot alive in a cage and murdered dozens of Coptic Christians on the beaches of Libya.  ISIS captured and kept as sex slaves thousands of women.

Much of this was filmed and broadcast over the Internet.

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