Category Archives: Socialism

Odds & Ends

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The leader of the “free world” speaks.

Biden is stuck on “green energy” and global warming.  This ignores the fact that the working class is being punished by the soaring cost of energy and the rampant inflation that is accompanying this.  All of this has been caused by the policies implemented by the Democrats.

There was no push back from Jack Tapper about all the misery that the Democrats are inflicting on the public.  This was a pre-recorded interview.  Just what did they edit out?

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Preaching Totalitarianism

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The result of preaching totalitarian doctrines is to weaken the instinct by means of which free peoples know what is or is not dangerous.” — George Orwell, Animal Farm

Perhaps no quote is more apropos for our times about what is going on in western countries right now.  Bob Livingston has written an essay that pours sunlight on this idea.

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The ‘R’ Word

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A recession is coming.  Actually, it is already here.  How do I know?  The top officials in the Avatar’s administration are screaming that we are not in a recession ahead of this week’s report that will show us to be in a recession.  They are even trying to change the definition of a recession just like they changed the definition of a vaccine.

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Trudeau and Freeland Get Spanked

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Two days after Canada’s parliament voted to sanction PM Trudeau’s unprecedented power grab through the use of the Emergencies Act, Trudeau revoked the use of the act completely.  Trudeau and his Finance Minister Freeland appeared to be enjoying themselves as they harassed and terrorized truckers and their families who were peacefully protesting the insanity of Canada’s restrictions on personal liberties.  What happened that a Communist like Trudeau would completely reverse himself?

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It’s Unstoppable

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I had wondered what might be the spark that would ignite the people to come together and fight back against the totalitarian efforts of world governments.  Tiananmen Square has been banished from the history books in China.  Mention of it is not permitted anywhere.  However, what happened in Tiananmen Square lives on in the oral history that is passed from one generation to the next.

The Freedom Convoy in Canada just might be the next Tiananmen Square.  The fact that Trudeau sees them as an existential threat and is pulling out all the stops says a lot in support of that idea.

The following video by Max Igan expresses the sentiment of millions of people.  And it is a beautiful thing.

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More Lawfare From Trudeau

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Unless you live on a different planet, you probably know about the Freedom Convoy in Canada and about Justin Trudeau’s iron-fisted approach to dealing with it.  This week Trudeau went one step further and essentially imposed a broad-based censorship on the entire country when he invoked the Emergencies Act.  Legal?  Absolutely not!  But such legal road bumps are a mere annoyance to people like Trudeau.

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Canada Goes Communist

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On Monday, Justin Trudeau displayed that he is a true heir to people like Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, Mao Tse-tung and Xi Jinping.  Demonstrating that Canada is now a police state, the Trudeau administration instructed banks, insurance companies and financial institutions to seize the accounts of any individual, group or business who are associated with political protest.

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The Nazis Strike Again

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In another example of just how infiltrated our schools are with people who believe in totalitarianism, the Nazis running Lowry Elementary School in Denver, Colorado are committed to sealing masks across small children’s faces.  To accomplish this, the public school’s security guards allegedly assaulted and incriminated a parent for persistently demanding his son be allowed to breathe freely and to show his face in class.

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