Catholic League Stands Up
The following is one of a number of recent events that may indicate that more and more Americans and organizations within America are beginning to rouse themselves from their slumber. They are beginning to push back against the obvious corruption and hypocrisy going on within the elitist ranks of some of our highest profile businesses.
William Donohue, President of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, sent a letter to Robert Manfred, commissioner for Major League Baseball (MLB). No matter what your religious affiliation is, I take my hat off to the Catholic League for this letter. It skewers MLB’s decision to move the All Star game out of majority black Atlanta to white Denver. This decision was due to the Georgia’s new voting law requiring a proper ID. MLB caved to pressure from leftist extremist groups that blatantly lied about the ramifications of the law.
The letter lays out in detail the stunning hypocrisy of MLB.