Why No Warnings

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A friend pointed out something this week that I had not noticed.  It’s about warnings.  Everyone will recognize what I am about to say as true..  Every single ad for a brand name drug in this country comes with a list of warnings about potential side effects.  These warnings come at the end of the ad EVERY SINGLE TIME.  Why are there no warnings about the jab?

Anyone with two working brain cells knows that Big Pharma is raking in money hand over fist with the experimental mRNA gene therapy that is being jabbed into people’s arms.  Obviously, they do not want anything to slow down the flow.  After all, there are billions of dollars at stake.  However, there are legal requirements for presenting such ads to the public.

Some might say that the FDA tries to keep the drug peddlers honest by making them list negative effects of any medical treatment alongside potential benefits.  Being somewhat cynical, I would say that negative publicity forced the FDA to do this.  Knowing the influence that Big Pharma has over Washington bureaucracies, I find the idea of the FDA unilaterally coming up with a requirement like this somewhat ridiculous.

Regardless of how the FDA came up with this legal requirement, drug companies in this country must list potential bad effects from any drug they advertise.  And there are other places where Big Pharma puts what are essentially warning labels on the products they market.

There is also a second reason why Big Pharma lists the bad effects.  This reason is known as personal injury lawyers.

As Robert DeBry notes:

In our world, it doesn’t take much for individuals to hire a personal injury lawyer and try to sue a company for their liability towards defective medical devices or products — that’s why a commercial that seems to be near the end of its time-slot might carry on for another 15-30 seconds. If an individual tries a new product and develops some kind of negative side-effect that was never in some kind of warning, that individual can press charges against the company in order to receive compensation towards all damages and any additional issues that come from abnormalities.

So whatever has happened to “informed medical consent” in the ads we are seeing that are trying to nudge us into getting jabbed?  As the AMA notes:

“Informed consent to medical treatment is fundamental to both ethics and law.  Patients have a right to receive information and ask questions about recommended treatments so that they can make well-considered decisions about care.”

Ad after ad after ad on TV and other visual media sources do not contain any warnings about the jab.  Yet the list of negative side effects from the so-called vaccines are orders of magnitudes higher than for any vaccine in history!  The number of people who have died is in the tens of thousands.  Imagine what this would do to the pitch to get jabbed if that fact was showing up in every ad you see about the vaccines.

A friend indicated that unethical people with enough money will find some legal loophole to get around problems like this.  In this case, they are doing this by presenting the ads (whoever is actually doing so) as a public service announcement (PSA) without mentioning a specific drug therapy.

The ads portray a utopian world where everything is “back to normal.”  Family, friends and acquaintances are all laughing and enjoying life “because they got the shot.”  They push your moral duty to “save the children.”  They ask you to help the community by saying things like “protecting yourself also helps to protect people around you.”  This ignores the fact that vaxxed people are spreading the virus.

Then they say it is the matter of personal choice.  That’s just BS.  As William Sullivan has noted:

“It’s okay to have questions,” we’re told.  It’s just not okay to reach any conclusion that involves a decision to not take the jab for any reason.  You’re free to have reservations about it, of course, so long as those reservations eventually (and hopefully soon, the rest of society is counting on you!) become assuaged by the soothing, vague bromides that have been provided by the product manufacturers and their pitchmen.

On top of this there is the coercion coming from multiple sources.  The federal government is attempting to force people to take these experimental drug therapies as a condition of continued employment.  According to our dementia-addled President, the vaccines are “safe and effective.”

Multiple state and local governments are doing the same thing.  Spokespersons are openly advocating for steps to be taken to “make things difficult” if you choose not to be jabbed.  How long will it be before they construct quarantine re-education camps to send the non-vaxxed to?  Oh, that’s right.  They are already doing that in AustraliaAnd California is not far behind.

And the private sector is getting on board with “making things difficult” for the non-vaxxed.  Recently Delta Airlines announced a $200/month fine on their employees if they do not get the jab.  The New Orleans Saints in the NFL are limiting spectators to those who have been vaxxed.

All of this is being done without any mention of the negative side effects of being jabbed.  There is no informed consent involved here.  It is all about evil trying to control the people.  You will do what the government tells you or else.

Resistance is NOT futile.

Do not cave into them.

You are not alone.

You can make a profound difference.
