Ottawa Truckers Domestic Terrorists

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The reaction to fear is the need to control everything around you.  Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly was the vehicle to demonstrate this on Friday.  The Freedom Convoy truckers in Ottawa are peacefully protesting.  The protest has continued for a week.  Contrary to the “peaceful protests” after George Floyd’s death due to a drug overdose, these protests actually have been peaceful.  There has been no rioting or vandalism.  However, what these protesters have exposed is just how weak the government is when We The People stand up and say “No!”

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Eloquent and Compelling

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Archbishop Carlo Maria Vagano has returned to the fray with another missive that pulls no punches.  Thank the Lord that God has seen to provide us with an honest prelate.  I provide no further comment except that Abp. Vigano is both eloquent and compelling.

As was foreseeable, my open Letter to the President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and to the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith about the moral liceity, effectiveness and dangerous nature of the experimental gene serums (which are supposedly vaccines against COVID) received no response. This shows that the question I have raised is not considered relevant by either the American episcopate or the former Holy Office — or perhaps that, precisely because of its importance, it has been decided to ignore it following the official narrative embraced by the Vatican.

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Are The Truckers Winning?…Updated

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Yesterday I talked about a big rig blockade.  The border crossing between Couts, Alberta, Canada and Sweet Grass, Montana in the US has been closed for some time.  It was closed by truckers supporting the Freedom Convoy currently occupying Ottawa.  They formed a blockade and would not allow traffic to flow in either direction.

Alberta’s Premier Jason Kenney, a Conservative in name only (CINO), first disparaged and denigrated the truckers.  Then there was an uprising in the Conservative Party.  Erin O’Toole who was the leader of the Conservatives, was ousted from his position.  Why?  Because he refused to listen to the people.  O’Toole was content to powder his nose and pay homage to the elites who run the government in Canada.  He refused to acknowledge that the basic freedoms of Canadians were being eroded. ... 

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The Nazis Strike Again

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In another example of just how infiltrated our schools are with people who believe in totalitarianism, the Nazis running Lowry Elementary School in Denver, Colorado are committed to sealing masks across small children’s faces.  To accomplish this, the public school’s security guards allegedly assaulted and incriminated a parent for persistently demanding his son be allowed to breathe freely and to show his face in class.

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Are The Truckers Winning?

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For those who may not be aware of it (and many of you won’t be), the border crossing between Couts, Alberta, Canada and Sweet Grass, Montana in the US has been closed for some time.  Was it closed by the Canadian government?  No. Was it closed by the US government?  No.  It was closed by truckers supporting the Freedom Convoy currently occupying Ottawa.  They formed a blockade and would not allow traffic to flow in either direction.

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Vaccine Bits

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Virginia’s largest public universities have dropped their COVID-19 vaccination requirements for students to attend in person or to enroll.  Virginia Tech, George Mason University, the University of Virginia and Virginia Commonwealth University announced updates in their policies on Monday.

Also rescinding vaccine mandates through statements or revisions to their websites were the University of Mary Washington and Christopher Newport, James Madison, Longwood, Norfolk State, Old Dominion, Virginia Commonwealth and Virginia State universities. ... 

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Odds & Ends

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A new Gallup poll shows that President Biden is in first place at last.  Biden has suffered from declining popularity with the American public.  In fact, his poll ratings have been historical markers for unpopularity.

However, in a recent poll Biden came in first.  Biden beat out brussels sprouts for America’s least favorite vegetable. Press secretary Psaki complained that the characterization of Biden as a vegetable was a bit unfair.  Psaki pointed out that Biden did move about of his own accord from time to time.

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Incriminating Evidence

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Does real world data mean anything?  Apparently to the Dr. Fauci’s of the world, the only time real world data is useful is when it supports the narrative being put forward by them.  If, however, such data is in disagreement with their scripted narrative, it must be censored and destroyed.  And those who would engage in bringing such data to the attention of the public must be destroyed as well.

What we are seeing at the highest levels of our public health agencies (think NIH, CDC, FDA) is not science.  It is scientism.  Its current head is the sainted Dr. Fauci who controls most of the government’s response to health matters in America.  The ability of real science to function properly is jeopardized by scientism, not promoted by it.  Those who receive funding via the NIH, worship at its altar to the detriment of the public health of all Americans.

Steve Kirsch, a former high tech entrepreneur, has been a gold mine for real world data.  He is using such data to ask questions of those who would control every aspect of our lives.  Kirsch has offered a $1 million incentive for health authorities to go on record and have a discussion about the evidence that is summarized in his article “Incriminating Evidence.”  He has no takers.

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The images coming out of NYC on Friday were simply incredible.

I lived in the NYC metro area for many years.  There have been many deaths of police officers in the NYPD over the years. There was always a good turnout of officers paying their last respects when an officer was killed in the line of duty.  In many cases, officers from neighboring communities in the NYC metro area would show up as well.  However, I have never seen a turnout like what took place on Friday.

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