The Most Dangerous Vaccine

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Smallpox is one the worst diseases ever to be visited on the human race.  In the hundred years before it was eradicated, it killed hundreds of millions of people.  The total may have gone as high as half a billion.  There is no known cure and the disease kills more than 30% of the people it infects.

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OSHA Mandate Stopped

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The US Supreme Court struck down the OSHA vaccine mandate for businesses with more than 100 employees.  The vote was 6-3 with the three dissenting justices being of the woke progressive variety who believe that the government should be allowed to suppress liberty whenever it suits their needs.

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Almost since the pandemic began, most of us have known that most people who were dying with COVID were seriously unwell.  Now the CDC director has admitted such during a CBS morning telecast.

Specifically CDC Director Rochelle Walensky made the admission that 75% of those who are classified as dying from COVID had at least four underlying pre-conditions:

“Over 75 percent had at least four comorbidities, so really these are people who were unwell to begin with.”

Let’s notice the language, “at least four comorbidities.”  That means that many had more than four.  For two years, healthy people around the world have been subject to some kind of lockdown and other social mitigation strategies that were not needed.  Doctors were told under threat to their license to practice medicine that they were not to treat patients.  Patients would be told to go home and if they got seriously ill, then such patients should go to the hospital.  As a result, millions around the world perished when most could have been saved. ... 

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Is The Narrative Crumbling?

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It is beginning to seem clear that the Democrats are looking for some way to extract themselves from the COVID Regime strategy that is blowing up in their faces.  We have heard for two years that if we only would follow Dr. Science’s changing dictats, life would return to normal.  None of that was true, of course.  The whole COVID scheme was to impose totalitarianism on the country and to steal the 2020 election.

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The Run Rate

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Back in October Karl Denninger wrote an article about the difficulty companies were having in finding employees.  The thrust of his article focused on a little known statistic called the “Run Rate.”  And what he related about it is downright scary.

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Vaccine Bits

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Australia continues to be at the forefront of imposing totalitarianism on its population.  The latest involves #1 tennis player Novak Djokovic who was there to defend his Australian Open title.  Novak has been interred in a quarantine facility despite having had COVID in December.

Noavk has better protection from getting ill and from spreading COVID than those who are vaxxed.  Numerous studies have shown this.  Breakthrough infections are spreading like wildfire among the vaxxed in many countries. ... 

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A Global Coup

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Archbishop Vigano delivered a Christmas message to America.  In it he outlines the global coup currently underway. Why America?  Because Americans are the key to resistance to the COVID Regime and the so-called Great Reset that is longed for by the globalists who would enslave us all.

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