Random Thoughts

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When Iranian-funded Hamas fired 4,000+ rockets — unprovoked and indiscriminately — at Israel, anti-Semitic lefties, that would be Democrats in this country, demanded that Israel respond only proportionately.  How does one respond proportionately to someone who is trying to end you?

Israel did target Hamas buildings and supply points.  Israel did not fire 4000+ rockets back.  Instead Israel seems to have chosen to punish Iran.

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The People’s President

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The people’s President, Donald J Trump, delivered a message to the people on Memorial Day.

On this Memorial Day, we remember the fallen heroes who took their last breaths in defense of our Nation, our families, our citizens, and our sacred freedoms. The depth of their devotion, the steel of the Continue reading...

Never Forgotten, Ever Honor

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“Today we honor the extra ordinary sacrifice of not only these service members, but also their families–especially our Gold Star families. Each individual loss brings untold grief. Each loss is a hope never realized. Each loss is a dream never reached.”

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USA Today Smears Female Runner

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I have talked about media bias over and over again.  Today’s post addresses this issue again.  It concerns an absolutely looney decision by the governing body for high school sports in Connecticut (CIAC) to permit males to compete in female events.  One such female participant, Chelsea Mitchell, wrote an op ed piece that was published by USA Today.  What USA Today did after the caterwauling from some snowflakes began is downright scary.

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COVID Minutia

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What follows are a couple of items on COVID that demonstrate the attempts by our “betters” to control the narrative surrounding the virus.  Both show a manipulation of various “standards” to produce a storyline that reflects the desires of “Big” people, Tech, Media, etc.

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Election Audit Update-Windham, New Hampshire

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This particular update on audits of the 2020 election results will focus on what is going on in New Hampshire.  It turns out that the auditors have identified a primary cause for the exceptionally high error rate in the ballot tabulations.  And this cause is not limited to just Windham, New Hampshire.  It is probable that this issue may exist in many other states.

Some background…There were four seats in the State legislature up for grabs in the Windham area in November, 2020.  When the results were published via automatic tabulation, the four Republican candidates had all won.  This was not surprising since Windham is a Republican area.  One Democrat, Kristi St Laurent, had lost by just 24 votes.  She asked for a recount.

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It’s Up To Us

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Christopher Cantrill over at American Thinker has done an excellent piece on the real intents and purposes of our Democratic rulers.  In it he brings out the fact that most of our so-called policy experts are just interested proposing policy solutions not in actually making them work.  Cantrill proposes that everyday Americans need to stand up and take our country back.

After Biden: It’s Up to Us

Some of us might believe that limited government is the real foundation of true liberty.  Of course, that would upset the “natural” order of things.  As Cantrill notes:

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Who Killed Ashli Babbitt?

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It is more than four months since Ashli Babbitt was killed by a Capitol police officer.  It is unconscionable that, to this date, there are NO PUBLIC RECORDS that have identified just who that officer is/was.  We have heard that the DOJ determined that the shooting was justified.  According to the media narrative, the officer was protecting Congress from a lethal threat.  But we have not heard who the officer is/was.  I say is/was because there is evidence to suggest that the officer who shot Babbitt committed suicide the next day.

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