The Democratic Playbook

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When they tell you what they are planning to do, believe them!  Sometimes the obvious is overlooked.  Sometimes the opposition forgets that they have moved outside their own echo chamber and they tell you just what they are thinking and planning.  Sometimes they slip up and throw a brick through your front window that gets your attention.

While I am going to talk about the Democrats here, remember the other side of the UniParty.  They do the same things from time to time.

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Civilization Or Chaos?

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Michael McHale, President of the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO), spoke at the Republican National Convention in support of the candidacy of PDJT.  McHale says the streets will be far worse under a Biden/Harris presidency.

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Nashville Fraud

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Although it has been ignored by the MSM, by now due to the samizdat many people know about the fraud involving COVID case counts in Nashville.  Apparently flush with power, the mayor decided to keep bars closed and restaurants at 25% capacity arbitrarily.  At the time he talked about a big spike in case counts originating from these locations.  As it turns out, as is par for the course during these lockdowns, this was not true.

Dr. Tom Woods recently published the following about this:

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A First Step

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Alice Johnson, who had her life sentence for drug charges commuted by President Donald Trump in 2018, spoke on the final night of the Republican National Convention on Aug. 27, 2020.

Alice Johnson started her speech by noting that she had once been told that the only way she would ever be re-united with her family was as a corpse.  Ms. Johnson copped to her mistakes which involved a non-violent offense that earned her a life sentence plus 25 years.

Alice Johnson described the elation she felt upon being freed by PDJT from an unjust sentence.  She noted PDJT’s actions in bringing forth the First Step law which is real justice reform.  This law will bring hope and freedom to thousands of deserving people. ... 

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The following came to my attention late last night and is from a person I know as “Dutchman.”  This is very interesting speculation on the sudden urgency of Republicans (Lindsey Graham and Mitt Romney in particular) to fill the seat vacated by the death of Justice Ginsburg.  PDJT may have been a neophyte politician when he came down the escalator in Trump Towers in 2015.  He’s no rube anymore (not that he was ever a rube, just inexperienced when he started).

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A Police Officer Remembered

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Ann Dorn, widow of the retired St. Louis Capt. David Dorn, who was killed during protests in June in St. Louis, spoke on the final night of the Republican National Convention on Aug. 27, 2020.  David Dorn was killed trying to defend the business of a friend from BLM looters who were ravaging the city.

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Slow Police Response

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The Democrats have been calling for defunding and disbanding police departments around the country.  Despite Democratic campaign ads to the contrary, Joe Biden has been one of those politicians who has “absolutely” called for the defunding of the police.  Minneapolis has already voted to disband their police department.  Police departments in many urban centers have been neutered to the point where they are little more than posters on a wall.

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Cracking Down

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On Monday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis introduced a new set of laws called the “Combating Violence, Disorder and Looting and Law Enforcement Protection Act.”  The intent is to stop any civil disorder that would affect the domestic tranquility for people in Florida.

It would appear that pandering to the mob is NOT on the agenda in Florida.  The official announcement can be seen here.  The thrust of the legislation is broken into three parts.

New Criminal Offenses to Combat Rioting, Looting and Violence ... 

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Some Accomplishments

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One reader sounds off about PDJT’s accomplishments.  It is presented without edit.  This list is nowhere near being inclusive.  In fact, it is a very small part of the entire list of accomplishments.  However, it does begin to give one a feel for just how much PDJT has done.  There will be more about PDJT’s accomplishments in the near future.

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