Respect For An Officer
The following tweet shows a video of the line of people who are waiting to pay their respects to a fallen law enforcement officer in St. Louis.
The following tweet shows a video of the line of people who are waiting to pay their respects to a fallen law enforcement officer in St. Louis.
It’s about time.
Since all this rioting and looting started, we’ve been inundated with crap about police. Spineless politicians, bobbleheads in the MSM and so-called leaders of Black Lives Matter have led the way in insulting the police, describing them as brutal and out of control. Led by Sens. Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, speeches have been given implying that that the police are mass murderers, determined to wipe out large swaths of America’s black population.
As many people know, as a direct result of George Floyd’s death while in police custody, the City Council in Minneapolis has announced that they will disband/dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD). There is a veto-proof majority (9 out of12) on the council who support this idea. Assuming none of these people waver once they actually begin to think about the ramifications of this, the mayor, who opposes this, will not be able to block this legislation.
Apparently LTG Michael Flynn will be speaking once his years-long ordeal with the justice system is over. The DC Appellate Court will hear oral arguments soon on the Mandamus Writ filed by Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell.
Project Veritas has infiltrated the various wings of the violent movement known as Antifa. Antifa is a collection of groups with the common goal of overthrowing the structure of society as it exists in this country today. Their organization is international in scope.
According to Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC), there was no violence in Washington, DC last week. Jim Clyburn, who is now the architect of Joe Biden’s campaign, went on Fox News Channel’s Neil Cavuto’s show to make such a non-sensical claim.
Two Buffalo police officers were charged with second-degree assault, a class D felony, for pushing a 75-year-old activist. The man then tripped and fell to the ground apparently hitting his head. The man had been asked to leave the area numerous times according to Buffalo’s mayor. The officers were apparently attempting to enforce a curfew in the city.
The main stream media is hiding this. This video documents the massive destruction in Minneapolis, St. Louis, Chicago and NYC. Minneapolis looks like a war zone. This destruction is the result of the myth of black genocide by racist police. The media and elite Democrats have aided and abetted this lie.
Democratic foot soldiers like Antifa and BLM have been the principal instigators of this violence. This should be a wake-up call to all Americans. The left has taken their anger out on the American public. They have looted and rioted, shot and killed, burned and destroyed.
The principal thing that has fueled the vandalism and rioting that has plagued America since the death of George Floyd is the narrative of “black genocide.” According to this narrative, unarmed black men are at risk of dying at the hands of police every time they venture out into the public arena. The idea is that racism is so “systemic” in this country that an innocent remark by a black man can turn into a situation where that person is beaten or killed by police.
Here is more video for liberal tears. Biden in his basement and PDJT arriving in Maine!