Supreme Court Attacked Again

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The attack on the Supreme Court by Democrats continues.  The Democrats have been trying to delegitimize the Court since Trump elevated three constitutionalists to the Court.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) asked Chief Justice Roberts to investigate conservative Justice Samuel Alito.  Whitehouse sent a letter to Roberts demanding an ethics investigation into Alito over his recent comments about the Supreme Court in an interview with the Wall Street Journal.

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Never Forget

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Twenty-two years ago, America suffered the worst terrorist attack on our soil in our history. Thousands of Americans, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and children were murdered by Islamic terrorists when they flew passenger jets into buildings.

People like Barack Obama would probably criticize my saying Islamic terrorists.  But that is who they were.  And the truth has no agenda.

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Coming For Your Guns

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What has just happened in New Mexico is what anyone with two working brain cells could see was coming back in 2020 and 2021.  Various state governors used “Public Health Emergency” declarations so that they could rule by fiat.  This resulted in the removal of constitutional and legislatively enacted rights.  People were being conditioned to this approach to governance.

The governor of New Mexico, Michelle Grisham, has declared gun possession unlawful.  Grisham has done under the auspices of a “Public Health Emergency.”  Residents of Albuquerque will become exposed to fines ranging up to $5,000 if they found to be carrying either open or concealed.

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Targeting Kids

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The media is beginning to ramp up stories about a COVID surge.  Some schools have re-imposed mask mandates and, in some cases, have gone to remote learning.  Some health businesses have imposed COVID restrictions.  Joe Biden himself is in Washington wearing a mask because his wife, who is in Delaware, has contracted COVID again despite being double jabbed and double boosted.

Over the past few weeks, the U.S. has seen a slight increase in new COVID-19 hospitalizations. The CDC released new information related to the BA.2.86 variant, which it said “may be more capable of causing infection in people who have received COVID-19 vaccines.”

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United We Stand

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Canadian Rapper Dax has released a powerful remix of Oliver Anthony’s hit “Rich Men North of Richmond”. While one may not be into rap, this work by Dax merges song and rap in a way that promotes the message that Oliver Anthony is getting out.  This is an amazing song by an artist I never heard of.

This kind of effort helps to open people’s eyes and realize how great this country.  It counteracts the relentless push by the Marxists to denigrate and diminish America.

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Not even one single child in America died from COVID in the first three years of this scam. Yes, some died with COVID but not from it.  But here we go again. Time to mask up the kids and shut down their schools. Some schools are already requiring masks and/or shutting down and going to “remote” learning that worked so well the last time (sarc).

Nothing about COVID that we were told was actually true. Just a hunch, but I bet nothing is true about the current election variant either. But they have found the soft underbelly of most Americans.

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Here We Go

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The White House announced on Monday that Jill Biden has tested positive for the COVID virus while vacationing in Delaware. This is despite being double-vaccinated and twice-boosted.  As a result, Joe Biden has reverted to wearing a mask, even though he has tested negative for the virus and masks don’t work.

On another note, Whoopi Goldberg has announced that she has contracted COVID for a third time despite being jabbed twice and boosted twice.  Where is the protection that the CDC keeps telling us about in the various ads running on all levels of media?

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Government Shutdown Coming

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It is September 2023.  Our government is funded through the end of the month.  The Republican rebels have made it clear that they are opposed to the practice of unlimited funding of the government with no practical way of paying for it.  Changes wrought during the battle for the speakership state that there will be specific appropriations bills as had been done prior to 2008.  No longer will there be an omnibus bill of thousands of pages that serve as graft for the evil people who feed at the public trough.

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