I Am An American

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Freedom is a valuable and precious gift worth fighting for.  As Sundance notes:

We Americans come from solid stock.  We carry in our DNA a fortitude of individual identity that is not dependent on government for affirmation or permission.  We are the beneficiaries of those who believed in stubborn independence.

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Joe Biden, the usurper in the White House, gave a speech on the wonderful, new gun control legislation recently passed by Congress to take away the rights of law-abiding citizens.  Perhaps it is time to review one speech given by a parent of a Columbine victim.

Guess our national leaders didn’t expect this. On Thursday, Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton, Colorado, was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee. What he said to our national leaders during this special session of Congress was painfully truthful.

They were not prepared for what he was to say, nor was it received well. It needs to be heard by every parent, every teacher, every politician, every sociologist, every psychologist, and every so-called expert! These courageous words spoken by Darrell Scott are powerful, penetrating, and deeply personal. There is no doubt that God sent this man as a voice crying in the wilderness. The following is a portion of the transcript:

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The Whole COVID Vaccine Scam

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The US Supreme Court’s decision in the Dobbs case resulted in the overturning of Roe v Wade.  This immediately made abortion illegal in some states.  By the time the dust settles, probably more than half of the states will have abortion restrictions/bans in place.  Of course, there still will be states that allow a woman to kill a baby.

A question that I would ask those who support the barbaric practice of abortion is “What did the baby do to deserve to be killed?”

Many people knew this decision was coming since someone in the Court violated his/her oath and had leaked a draft of the opinion.  Some may think that this was an attempt to pressure the justices to change their vote.  While this is probably true, I believe there may have been another more sinister motive at work here.

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“Vaccine” Short Takes

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Right after the jab was first made available, some experts opined that there might be a continual need for getting jabbed.  The issue was that coronaviruses mutate rapidly and so new waves of COVID were possible.  After all, a common cold is often a coronavirus and no vaccine has ever been developed before for the common cold.

Such individuals were derided as conspiracy nuts.  Many of them were cancelled.  Big Media disenfranchised them.  Well, Israel is now moving forward toward a fifth dose.

Israel’s health system is contemplating the administration of a fifth Coronavirus (COVID-19) jab, as the number of new cases has significantly risen in recent days.

The country’s Corona Supervisor, Professor Salman Zarqa, stated on Wednesday that “unfortunately, it seems that we are starting a new corona wave in Israel, the BA.5 wave, we are considering giving a fifth vaccine.”

According to the Ministry of Health’s data, a very high 20.38% of the COVID-19 tests done Tuesday returned positive, with 4,585 new cases.

Over 19,019 Israelis tested positive in the past week, a 27.7 % increase over the week before that.

Pretty soon one will need an IV drip.

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Another Win For The Free Exercise of Religion

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The Supreme Court, siding with a football coach who knelt in prayer at the 50-yard line, ruled 6-3 that a school district cannot bar him from publicly exercising his faith on the field after the game.   [Full Ruling Here]

The Issue:

In 2015, Kennedy had been a part-time football coach at Bremerton High School for seven years. Coach Kennedy would pray at midfield after each game, alone, with some of his players and players of the opposing team joining him. When the school district learned about Kennedy’s prayers, they told him to stop. When Kennedy refused, the district fired him. ... 

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Unborn Child

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The popular notion going around is that it is easy to care for the unborn because they ask nothing of us, don’t pay taxes, can’t be counted in a census, aren’t really human, and other assorted comments.

The popular notion is that those who care for the life of the unborn do not care for any other human because that would be hard to do.

The popular notion is that those who recognize a child in the womb as valuable and worth saving are mere Bible thumpers with an oversized ego.

To those who think that, I say the following:

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