The Hits Keep Coming

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Myocarditis and pericarditis among those who have been “vaccinated” has been a recurring issue since the jabs started to be given.  These two are not the only adverse reactions to the jab but these two are certainly among the more significant.  A new study from Europe reveals that cases of heart inflammation that required hospitalization are much more common among individuals who have been jabbed with either the Pfizer or Moderna experimental mRNA drug therapy when compared to those who did not get jabbed.

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What Hath Elon Musk Wrought?  Part 4

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Sundance over at CTH often talks about the marionette strings. Sundance notes that once you see them, you cannot unsee them.  Elon Musk has seriously rattled the cages of those who would enslave the country and the world to achieve the Great Reset.  Musk has made the marionette strings that much more visible.

Musk has called freedom of speech the foundation of democracy.  To counter Elon Musk’s attempted takeover of Twitter and to bring free speech to Twitter, the heavy hitters of the Democratic Party have been brought out.  Former President Barack Obama and twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton have been given a script that calls for more censorship of social media.  They rushed to the podium “to save democracy.”

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Senility On Display

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How Is This Man Still President?

A reporter asked Biden about ending Title 42, a Trump-era order blocking asylum seekers at the US border.  Biden answered by babbling about the DOJ filing an appeal over a federal judge’s ruling that mask mandates on public transportation were illegal.

Then while in Oregon to promote the “Build Back Better” infrastructure bill that he claims he wrote with his own “paw,” Biden claimed he had been in office 19 months.

There was this example of senility in Iowa.  Biden finishes his speech and then turns to shake the hand of someone who isn’t there.  He then wandered around the stage aimlessly until he found an exit from the stage.  The sound of the band playing adds to the comic nature of this. ... 

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What Hath Elon Musk Wrought, Part 3

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Exposing a coup.

The Elon Musk/Twitter saga has been most interesting to watch.  After purchasing a 9.2% share of Twitter, he then proposed buying the company outright.

Twitter acted to prevent the takeover by using a poison pill approach.  This would involve issuing shares at half price if any investor would gain ownership of more than 15% of the outstanding shares.

Twitter’s actions (poison pill offer) publicized Twitter’s desire to censor free speech.

What is this the sole purpose of all of Elon Musk’s actions?

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What Hath Elon Musk Wrought, Part 2

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By now most people are aware of the Elon Musk/Twitter saga.  After purchasing a 9.2% share of Twitter, he then proposed buying the company outright.

Twitter acted to prevent the takeover by using a poison pill approach.  This would involve issuing shares at half price to existing shareholders if any investor would gain ownership of more than 15% of the outstanding shares.

Twitter’s temper tantrum (that’s what the poison pill offer was) publicized to the entire world Twitter’s desire to continue to censor free speech.   It also exposed its extreme hostility to more than half of its potential customers worldwide, that is those who believe in free speech.

What is the real purpose of all of Elon Musk’s actions?

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Bits & Pieces

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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Tuesday he will formally seek to strip the Walt Disney Co. of its self-governing status after it publicly bashed the Sunshine State’s anti-grooming law.  Potential termination of all special districts that were announced in Florida prior to 1968 would be reviewed by the legislature.

Many families across the country are re-considering the Disney company for family activities.  This is due in part to Disney’s stated intentions of including “queerness” (their statement not mine) as much as possible in children’s programming.

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It’s Over

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A federal judge in Florida has voided the national mask mandate covering airports, planes and other public travel.  The decision by U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle in Tampa said the CDC failed to justify its decision and did not follow proper rulemaking procedures that left it fatally flawed.

In her 59-page ruling, Mizelle said the only remedy was to vacate the rule entirely across the country because it would be impossible to end it for the limited group of people who had filed  the lawsuit.

[PDF Ruling Available Here]

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What Hath Elon Musk Wrought? Part 1

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By now most people know that Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, purchased 9.2% of Twitter’s outstanding shares worth around $2.9 billion in early April.  This made Musk the largest single shareholder of Twitter.

The purchase was a bit of a surprise since Musk had raised questions about the site’s free speech policy.

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